Part 16

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The room had a bright white light hanging down in the center of the ceiling. There was a bed similar to those in clinics. There were chairs for guardians and a chair right next to the bed.

"Hello, Sura. My name is Mrs. Soo." A lady in circular glasses greeted with a gentle smile.

She held out her hand for a handshake which I softly accepted.

"And you must be her guardians." She averted her stare towards Seungcheol and Jeonghan who decided to enter the room with me.

"I am aware how there are more guardians so this will be recorded for my record and their own records."

Mrs. Soo led us inside the room deeper, "Why don't Sura's parents have a seat? And Sura, why don't you lay down here?" She patted on the bed invitingly.

I slowly climbed on the bed and laid myself down. It was hard and uncomfortable. I would never be able to sleep on this rock.

"Now Sura. Today, we are going to travel back a little in time. It may be painful however your dads and me will be with you. We must do this now while you are younger because it will be more difficult when you are an adult." She grabbed her clipboard from her desk and scribbled down a couple of things.

I stared right at the ceiling lamp which stared right back at me. "Now, shall we get started?" She got up to dim the lights and returned to her seat.

I slightly nodded not knowing what to expect.

"Great. Now, I need you to relax." Mrs Soo quietly instructed.

"And now, in the count of three, you'll be falling into deep sleep." Mrs Soo's voice became more distant.

"1, 2,3"


My eyes widen. I was seated at the dining table facing mother and father.

Mother was holding a letter in her right hand. A letter from the school?

"You told your teacher, didn't you? Are you a baby?" Mother yelled furiously as she held up the letter.

Oh yeah. I told my teacher about my situation at home.

"What good does this do? You want to be taken from us? Who else would take care of a brat like you?" She crossed her arms and scoffed.

I stared at my hands which were balled up on my lap.

Suddenly, father grabbed my collar and pulled me across the dining table, "Yah. Listen here. Keep this up and we'll keep sending you back to the hotel."

My eyes widen. The hotel. He doesn't mean.

"It gives us good money." He smirked into my face.

"N-no. P-please." I begged as father kept a grip on my collar.

"That's what I thought." He slapped me across the face making me fall on the floor from the table. My knees ached as they took the fall.

Father stepped out of his chair and pulled me up from the ground, "You little piece of shit."

He punched right into my face making me fall all over again.

My ears began ringing. I saw through my blurry vision blood splattering on the ground.

Is that mine?

Mother came by to father's side, "Ah! Don't make a mess on my floor." Mother grabbed me from my arm.

She started dragging me all the way to the attic. My body ached every step of the way.

She slammed open the door and threw me across the attic. I heard the door slam shut as I was left gripping onto my stomach.

It all hurts.

Seungcheol's POV

"They said if I misbehave, they'll send me back to the hotel again." Sura said as she was in deep hypnosis.

Her eyes clenched as she had tears spilling out. My heart ached to see Sura in such pain.

"A hotel? What happens in the hotel?" Mrs. Soo questioned.

Sura winced, "There are men. Many old men. It hurts. It hurts everywhere."

Old men? No.

Jeonghan grabbed my hand reassuringly.

"Tell me more about what happens at home." Mrs. Soo scribbled into her clipboard.

Sura paused.

"I'm in the attic. Mother gives me food that has spit. They punish me when I don't eat it."

Mrs. Soo leaned forward a little, "What do you mean by 'punish'?"

"Father punches me. There's blood. I get thrown into the floor and wall. Mother kicks me in my stomach. I throw up."

I bit my lip preventing me from crying. I can't. Control yourself.

"Do you remember the day you were sent to the adoption?"

"It was raining. Mother and father were arguing in the car. About money. They drove to the orphanage. They left me in the doorstep and ran away. In the rain."

Mrs. Soo sighed deeply. She eyed me to check how I was doing.

"Okay, Sura. Do you remember everything now?" Mrs Soo whispered.


"Okay, on the count of three, you're going to wake up with these memories." She instructed.

I understand now.

I understand it all.

Sura's POV


I gasped as I opened my eyes. I'm at the clinic.

Mrs. Soo was on my right, "Welcome back."

I checked my left to see Seungcheol and Jeonghan in distress.

I jumped off the bed running into their arms instinctively.

The shock finally hit me.

Tears spilled out of my eyes. This time without warning. I don't know why I was crying. It just felt right.

Seungcheol rubbed my back gently, "We're here."

I clenched into their shirts hoping they won't slip away from my grip.

I started sobbing loudly into their chests. It all hurts. Physically and emotionally.

These memories kept flooding into my head. I buried my head deeper into their chests hoping it'll ease the pain.

They'll ease the pain. Right?

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