Part 31 ~ 32

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Two chapters in one special ! Enjoy!

Part 31

Seungcheol's POV

"Sura!" There she was.

Lying on the floor.

Covered in blood, sweat and tears.

Not even recognizable as a normal little girl.

Sura was struggling to breathe as she stared at me helplessly. She had her hands tied along with her feet tied. There were bruises and scars along her whole body. Not even a inch of her body wasn't covered by an some sort of injury.

They tortured her. They made her look like this. I will never forgive them for this.

I instinctively tried to run over to her for aid but the menacing guy who led me here suddenly stopped me by pushing onto my chest. He eyed the two figures standing approximately ten feet away from me.

"You got the money?" Sura's biological dad raised his eyebrows as he eyed the black duffel bag I carried.

He stood there with Sura's mother as they hoped they got what they asked for. I nodded as I placed the bag onto the floor.

I kicked it over towards them across the concrete floor filled with speckles of grays and blacks. The bag landed right between our distances.

The father signaled Sura's mother to pick up Sura. She untied Sura's legs, unraveling the brown rope, as she grabbed her arms pulling her up. Her arms were still tied with a tight rope.

They're treating her like an animal. Actually, worse than an animal. Pure garbage. This makes me sick to my stomach.

Sura winced at the sudden grip of pain. Her eyebrows furrowed as she clenched her eyes shut.

How dare they.

I clenched my fist holding back my temper. She'll be in your arms soon. Just don't fuck it up, Seungcheol. Just endure it for a little longer.

"Alright. Let's do this professionally. I'll grab the bag and check it. Then you'll get her back." He said confidently as he walked over to the black duffel bag, eyeing me with suspect.

He bent down on one knee, unzipping the long zipper across the bag. He opened it widely revealing 1 million dollars in cash. He grinned as he signaled the mother to release Sura with a simple and satisfied nod.

The mother slightly pushed Sura towards me as she grinned with the face of greed.


Her eyes lit up as she started limping towards me with difficulty. I opened my arms as she slowly limped to me.

Yes! Come back!

Just as she was passing her father, a sudden intervening noise knocked down on doors of this abandon warehouse.

"Police! Stay where you are!" A deep voiced officer shouted as about ten officers surrounded the scene. They all had their guns pointing straight at the perpetrators.

Shit. They're too early. This isn't good. Dammit.

Sura's dad snapped his head towards the file of police coming in. He grunted as he pieced together the situation.

"What the hell!" He shouted as he instinctively suddenly grabbed Sura who was right in front of him, limping towards me.

He grabbed a pocket knife from his back pocket and placed the knife right below her chin, directing right at the neck.

No no no.

"C-come any closer and she's dead." He threatened as he displayed his idea. Sura groaned as she lifted her head up high. He squeezed one arm around her neck while the other one held the threatening weapon.

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