Part 1

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     The breeze of the air ran through my hair as I took a deep breath of the outside. Never thought having a room in the attic wouldn't be so bad in an orphanage. The buzzer rang signaling it was time for lunch. Come on, Sura. You can't be at the end today.

      I took one last inhale before walking downstairs to the dining room. Kids rushed past me to race to the front of the line. This must be what it feels like when an apocalypse comes. As my shoulder kept getting pushed back and forth, I ended up being totally knocked over the floor. Shoes stomped around me as if a stampede of buffalos were coming through. Weren't we just fed last night? 

        Finally, the only thing around me was dust left by the stampede. Or maybe it came from not sweeping enough. I felt a small tap on the shoulder, "Are you alright?" A deep voice questioned. I turned my head to see a man offering his hand. He seemed young and he has black hair which brought out his tan skin. I made eye contact with his eyes, "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you." I accepted his hand as he gracefully pulled me up. "What's your name?" He curiously asked. "Sura." I replied. "Seungcheol!" Another man came running up to the man who is apparently Seungcheol. The man took a glance at me and stared into my eyes and smiled. I looked down as an instinct. I respectfully bowed and turned the opposite way quickly walking to the dining room. Don't get your hopes up, Sura. 

     The dining room was crowded as always. Fortunately, I didn't bother having to find a seat since Mrs. Yoo pulled us aside. "Sura! Come inside my office!" She said as she pulled on my arm. I didn't even get to respond until she dragged my arm to her office.  She opened the door and guided me in there. Now front of me were thirteen boys. Oh my God. "This is Sura. Kim Sura. She is 8 years old. Been abandoned at 5. Unsociable." Mrs. Too tells the men. Why does she talk about like I'm just a piece of meat? 

     A man stepped forward and crouched down to my level, "Hey, I'm Seungcheol." He held out a hand. My stomach turned as sweat formed on my forehead. I slowly took his hand shaking it unsurely. Seungcheol left a warm smile before standing up. "We would like to adopt her." Mrs. Yoo became pleased. Finally, one child out of her hands. I'm gonna have to live with 13 men? "Great! Now Sura, go collect your belongings as your guardians finish the paper work." Mrs. Yoo shoo me out of the room. I walked up to the attic as I breathed in the last batch of air I'll ever get.

      Please, God. Let this be for the best. I collected my backpack with my couple pair of clothings. I looked at the desk side table of me and my biological family. My hatred for them turned to sadness suddenly. I touched my parents' face, "Why did you leave me here? Why did you hate me?" I whispered. I turned my back leaving the portrait. Goodbye. I'm sorry.
Hello !! I'm the author of Lost And Found. Since I was unable to finish the ending for that book, I am planing on writing a new adoption by seventeen book ! Please go check out my other books if you are new ! Stay updated for the chapter !

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