Part 12

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"Remember, if anything happens then you should call any one of us okay?" Seungcheol said as if he knelt down.

I nodded.

He's been saying this since last night.

"Seungcheol, Sura's gonna be late." Jeonghan added.

Seungcheol looked at me with a sad smile, "I love you, Sura. Don't forget that."

He kissed me on the forehead before standing up.

He seemed so worried.

I hugged his legs tightly.

Seungcheol rubbed my back softly.


I turned around to see a heavy breathing Woohyun.

He was running so fast.

His arms were all over the place.

His face was priceless.


He jumped right into my arms as I almost lost my balance, "I'm so glad you're okay!"

His heavy breathing was right in my ear.

I pat his back awkwardly, "I'm fine. Thank you."

He pulled away with his hands on my shoulders, "I was so worried! Don't go fainting again."

He looked so stern with his eyebrows furrowing.

I cracked a smile from his worry, "Don't worry. I won't."

He looked at Seungcheol and Jeonghan behind me. "So you must be the boy I spoke to on the phone." Seungcheol chimed in.

"Yes! I'm Woohyun and I'm Sura's best friend!" Woohyun stated as he stood straight up.

Seungcheol chuckled, "Ah! I see. Just friends, right?"

Woohyun nodded aggressively, "But soon I'll marry Sura!"

Seungcheol freezed, "M-marry?"

Jeonghan interrupted, "Ah! You kids should go ahead. School is about to start!"

Jeonghan pushed us along leaving Seungcheol who was in pure shock.

"Bye! Nice to meet you!" Woohyun yelled.

I waved at Jeonghan who smiled sweetly.

"They seem so cool." Woohyun said.

Woohyun had his head down as if he was upset, "You're cool too." I added softly.

He look at me with a bright red face, "Y-yeah! Of course I am."

Woohyun looked straight ahead towards the school, "You can't just go saying those things."


"Why not?" I questioned with a tilted head.

"It just takes me by surprise." Woohyun covered his mouth with his face.

"Come on, we'll be late." Woohyun grabbed my hand as he brought me to the class.

The class was quiet.

Yet, Woohyun just walked in confidently ignoring the eyes. He led me to my desk.

My desk was now a brand new desk with no run down marks or dents. They must've thrown out the other one.

Woohyun let go of my hand and walked over to his own desk.

He sat down unbothered as he leaned back in his chair, "What are you guys staring at!" He yelled making everyone turn back around.

He looked at me and signaled me to sit down.

Woohyun yelling is such a rare sight.

I took my seat and placed my head down. I didn't bother listening in class nor participating.

I just wasn't in the mood today.

"Hey. Sura." I fluttered my eyes open as I saw a blurry Woohyun.

"Let's go eat lunch!" He chimed cheerfully. I rubbed my eyes as I stood up.

He grabbed my hand pulling me to the cafeteria.

I was still half asleep but thankfully Woohyun had a sense of direction.

The cafeteria was filled with students all over the place. Woohyun gripped onto my hand tighter. He searched for an empty sea.

Suddenly, I felt a foot right in front of me.

My foot tangled with it letting me get the fall.

I landed on the marble floor with a loud bang.

"Did you feel that? Earthquake!" A girl commented.

I heard laughter. Laughter ringing in my ears. It felt as if everyone was laughing at me.

"Sura. Sura. Are you okay?" Woohyun kneeled down next to me.

My hands were shaking. I nodded slowly. I can't cause a scene. Not today.

"Who did this!" Woohyun yelled.

The cafeteria went silent.

"Calm down, Woohyun. You're making a scene." A girl scoffed while flipping her hair.

"Yeah. Ever since Sura transferred, you became so uptight and distant from us." A boy joined.

Woohyun stood up with anger, "You guys are pathetic."

Woohyun. Just stop.

Another girl chuckled, "Look at you guys. Aren't you the pathetic ones?"

This is all my fault. I've dragged Woohyun into all of this.


Woohyun had his fist balled. His teeth were clenched. He was shaking heavily. I've never seen him this mad.

"You don't know anything about Sura. Don't say such things about her!" Woohyun yelled.

Woohyun grabbed me off the floor and led me out of the cafeteria. The cafeteria turned silent.

"Woohy-" "Don't listen to them."

Woohyun kept walking towards our classroom with silence.

He seemed so serious. He seemed more affected than me.

I decided to leave him alone the rest of the day.

"Sura. Hurry up!" Woohyun called out as I was packing my bags.

Oddly, he seemed fine now after the lesson despite what happened. I decided not to press anymore.

I walked up to him with my backpack. "You take too long." He grumbled under his breath and took my hand.

He took me out in the entrance where I saw Seungcheol and Dino waiting.


Seungcheol ran to launch me into the air. I yelled from the sudden surprise.

"I missed you so much! Did anything happen?" He immediately placed me down and checked my body.

Maybe I shouldn't tell him what happened.

He's already worried enough about the incident a couple of days ago.

"No. I'm fine." I end with an artificial smile.

I turned around to Woohyun who was standing there awkwardly. I should thank him for today.

"Sura-" "Tomorrow! My house! 3 o'clock!"

Woohyun stared at me dumbfounded.

I turned back around and grabbed Seungcheol and Dino's hands towards the school exit.

Why did I even do that?

"Woah woah. Slow down, Sura." Seungcheol insisted.

"But that's some way to invite someone." Dino teased.

My face became heated, "W-whatever! Let's go home already! I'm hungry!"


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