Part 30

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"Sura, let's go!" A familiar voice chanted from behind.

Wait, is it? Please tell me it's-

I twirled on my heels to face the recognizable sound.

It was Seungcheol.

His face was beaming as he reached out with his hand. The rest of the boys stood behind him with such a comforting smile. An illuminating light surrounded them as they brightened my view.

My face suddenly pulled into a grin.

"Hurry up, Sura!" Seungkwan shouted as he cupped his mouth with his hands.

"Come on!" Jeonghan cheered as he raised his hand in the air.

I could hear my own heart beat in my chest. It was peaceful and relaxing. I started running towards Seungcheol with the energy building inside of me.

"Seungcheol!" I yelped as I opened my arms.

Seungcheol bent lower as he widened his arms, bracing himself. I leaped into his arms as he caught me successfully. He spun me in the air as he chuckled loudly. Seungcheol hugged me tightly in his arms.

I snuggled my cheek into his shoulder as he caressed my head.

Jeonghan walked up to us as he placed his hand on my other cheek, "Don't forget us, okay?"

Suddenly, Jeonghan faded into pure dust. My breathing froze as if he wasn't there in the first place. He smiled gently as his face quietly disappeared last from his body.

"Jeonghan? Where did he go?" I questioned as no belongings were left. Not even a hair.

Joshua stepped forward with Jun as they warmed me with their illuminate smiles, "We love you forever."

They too faded away with no evidence.

Seungcheol placed me on the ground gently as I wasn't able to piece together what was happening. I started running towards Mingyu and Hoshi who had grieving expressions.

"We're always in your heart."

Together, they faded simultaneously.

"Where are you going? Don't leave!" I tried to grasp for Wonwoo's hand yet it was too late.

"Dino! Vernon! Stay here!" They looked at me with such a depressing expression before leaving.

"Sorry, Sura."

My breathing became unsteady as the panic rushed through my veins. Sweat was dripping down my forehead as frustration and confusion built up inside me.

"Minghao! Woozi!" I turned as they had pure sorrow in their eyes. They both waved with sadness as they went along with the others into pure dust.

I twisted my body towards Seungkwan and Dokyeom.

"Where are you guys going? Why are you leaving like this?" I started running towards them hoping to run into their arms.

Yet, they disappeared too.

Why is this happening to me?

I turned my body to find Seungcheol standing there.

"Seungcheol. Not you too." I sobbed as he stared at me with eyes filled with pity. The illuminate background was no longer present. An overwhelming darkness crept up behind Seungcheol as he faced me with regret.

"Don't leave like this! Seungcheol!"

"I'm sorry."

My eyes shot open to a metal filled ceiling. Tears streamed down my face with no warning. I gasped as I couldn't get a grip of what just happened.

That dream. It felt so real.

The agony made my head hurt.

The burden it left on my heart was too much to bare. I painfully closed my eyes as the tears spilled out of my eyes uncontrollably.

The last image of Seungcheol was something I never want to experience.

I want to see them again. So bad.

"Yah. Do you want to eat or not?" A voice called out from above.

My mother looked at me with pure disgust as she held a plate. Let me guess. Eggs and rice. She flopped the plastic plate beside my face. Mother scoffed as she saw the condition I was in.

I immediately brought my back off the ground and turned to face her. I furrowed my eyebrows as she stared at me with no words.

I could tell she had many things to say. She always had something to say.

Mother suddenly bent down to my level as she caressed my cheek which was bruised, "God, who thought I would ever give birth to such a pathetic human?"

I winced as she rubbed my cold thumb over the bruises and cuts along my face. I averted my eyes to avoid her glare. She traced a circle around my cheeks which left a sharp pain.

She aggressively grabbed my face to force me to stare into her eyes, "If I knew this is what you would have come to, then I would've thought twice before going into labor."

Then, why? Why did you bother going through such pain? If you don't love me, then why did you bring me into this world?

I looked at her with such resentment as she just analyzed my face with her hazel eyes.

"Why did I go through it? Because I need some way to get money. Selling a young girl like you to people made money. So much money." She chuckled as if it was some joke.

I bit my lip as I resisted the urge to just scream. Mother said such words just for her own pleasure and enjoyment. It was just fun for her. That's it. Just fun.

"Now you think you're better? With some 'famous' idols? Don't forget where you came from. Don't forget what you really are. You're just a useless body for money. That's it." She forcefully planted my face onto the cold pavement of the floor.

My neck felt uncomfortable as the ground squished my cheeks harshly. I hissed as my untreated wounds opened as she crushed my body against the ground.

"You look so helpless, don't you?" She commented as she applied even more pressure, specifically on my neck.

I gasped for air as Mother had the intention of breaking my neck.

"Hey, he's here." A voice called out.

Mother finally released me as she stood up. I coughed as the air finally had a gateway to my lungs.

She wiped her hands on her shirt as she giggled, "Tell them to bring him in, honey."

My eyes became watery as it felt as if my life flashed before my eyes. The rusty air filtered my lungs.

Who are they bringing in this time?


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