Part 2

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     "And this is our home! Your home too now, Sura." Seungcheol chuckled. It was huge. Humongous. Gigantic. Probably three times bigger than the orphanage. Seungcheol offered his hand again. This physics interaction is definitely something I'm not use to. I hesitantly held it as he reassuringly squeezed my hand. He pulled me out of the van and onto the entrance.

      "Ready, Sura?" Another man said behind me. I slightly nodded as Seungcheol kicked the door opened. "Oh my god! Seungcheol, how old are you?" Another man yelled from behind. Seungcheol just sheepishly smiles.

      I cautiously entered the house holding onto Seungcheol's hand. The house was spacious yet a little messy in some areas. Seungcheol whispered excitedly, "Do you want to see your room, Sura?" I slightly nodded anxiously. He lead me through a long hallway to the very end of it. He opened the door, "Ta-pa!!" 

     This is all mine? Like this whole room? I looked at Seungcheol for a confirmation that this is actually my room and not just the closet in the corner. Mom and Dad offered me a room 1/3 of this size. I stood there stunned in the doorway. A man grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the room, "Here, you can put your clothes in this closet!" He said pointing to the closet. I replied, "This is all for me?" I spoke softly. He nodded, "Of course! Every single inch of it." He smiled warmly. My heart had a different feeling. It felt warm. "Come on. Let's go to the living room and introduce everyone." Seungcheol said as he took of my backpack and placed it on my bed. He offered his hand once again. This time I didn't take as long to accept it. I still held it cautiously. He smiled widely knowing we are making progress already. 

     This is just so weird to get used to. Is this how every family is? No way. Why isn't he just pushing me away? Why isn't he cursing at me already? It's all so weird. He lead me to the living room where everyone sat down on the carpet. I sat down next to Seungcheol quietly with my head down.

 "I'll go first. I'm Seungcheol! I'm the oldest and the leader of this group." He smiled widely. 

A man with long beautiful hair spoke next,"I'm Jeonghan. The prettiest in the group." The other boys stifled a laugh.

 "I'm Joshua. Or Jisoo. Whichever sounds the coolest." He smiled. "Hey, I'm Jun." He commented as he flipped his hair. 

"Hellooo! I'm Hoshi. Famously known as 10:10!" He said loudly. 10:10? I don't get it.. 

"My name is Wonwoo. Nice to meet you, Sura." He said with his low voice. He still smiled brightly.

 "I'm Woozi. Or Jihoon." His smiled curled up like a puppy.

 "Helllooooo! I'm DK or Dokyeom. The sunshine of this dull world." His eyes squinted as he smiled.

 "I'm Mingyu. The face of the group obviously." Everyone suddenly became loud of interfering comments.

 "I'm Minghao. Or rather known as The8." His hair. Reminds me of ramyun. 

"Ayo. I'm Seungkwan. Boo Seungkwan." He cheerfully said.

 "Hey, I'm Vernon." He had a gummy smiled. 

"And certainly not least, I'm Dino." He grinned. I realized they were waiting for me to introduce myself. 

Dino's POV

     "Ummm. M-my name is Sura. I'm 8 years old. And yeah." Sura said. She seemed terrified of her own voice. "What are some of your hobbies, Sura?" Jeonghan asked curiously. She pondered. "I don't really have anything. I'm really sorry." She asked scared of the consequences. I looked at the members.

      She's traumatized. I could tell. By the way, she trembled whenever she didn't have an answer. By the way, she cautiously accepted any touch of the members. By the way, she couldn't believe her ownership of her room. Even by the way, she spoke softly terrified of the outcome.

 I could tell everyone knew that she wasn't just an ordinary 8 year old. 

Sura's POV

After the introduction was finished, I went back to my room. It was weird to officially call it 'my room'. Maybe it's a hoax. What if it's all gonna be the same thing again? My breathing rapidly increased. The same routine. The same pain. Flashing mages ran across my mind. I winced at the pain. I collapsed on the ground. Calm down, Sura. I couldn't listen to myself. There was an uncontrollably ringing in my head. I slowly climbed on my bed and cradled myself. Why can't it just go away? I thought I left it behind. Instead, it just followed me here. 


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I really hope my writing is gonna slowly improve throughout the future so please comment or message me tips or advice! Stay updated for another update soon!!

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