Part 28

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Seungcheol's POV

"Do you think she'll like it?" I questioned as I held up the white stuffed bunny holding a bouquet of flowers.

The bunny had fluffy white fur while it hugged a bouquet of flowers which had yellow, white and orange flowers.

Joshua chuckled as he drove the car peacefully, "Of course. Especially since you bought it for her."

I smiled as I could imagine the way her eyes will widen and how her mouth will form into a beautiful smile.

"Yeah. I hope so." I replied with a heartwarming image in my head.

I really hope so.

"What's going on?" Joshua commented as he stuck his head closer to the window. I brought my head up to see a whole crime scene.

There were multiple police cars along with police tape bordering the entrance of the hospital. Many people were gathering to see what the attraction of attention was directed towards. The nurses were being questioned by various police officers as they looked covered their mouths in sorrow.

"What.." I managed to get out as my mouth dropped.

Joshua quickly parked in front of the hospital as he pulled the keys out of the engine. I grabbed the stuffed bunny as I whipped open the car door. I started walking towards the yellow crime scene tape.

What is going on?

"Poor girl. I heard she hasn't even recovered from her injuries when she was kidnapped." A bystander commented from behind the crime scene tape.

Girl? Injuries? Kidnapped?

I faced Joshua who had his eyes widen just like mine.

Who would do such a thing?

I turned to face the officers, "Excuse me? Excuse me?"

One officer snapped his head to face my commotion of attention.

"What's happening?" I questioned hoping for a reasonable explanation.

"A little girl was kidnapped from this hospital over night. Why? Do you have any information regarding the case?" He asked as he tilted his head with eagerness.

"Uh no. Thank you." I politely bowed my head as I scanned the area.

The entrance to the hospital was completely blocked with tape as only nurses went in and out.

"How are we gonna get in? Sura must not know what's going on down here."I questioned as I saw Sura's nurse walk over to the officers.

"Maybe the nurse can give it to her." Joshua commented as he pointed towards the nurse.

"Ah! Nurse Lee!" I called out to grasp her attention.

She looked over to me and immediately had a horrified look. She let her head down with embarrassment as she walked over to me.

"Can you give this to Sura? Or maybe we can give it ourselves?" I asked as I showed her the bunny holding a bouquet of flowers.

Nurse Lee tilted her head as she brought her head slightly forward. Her eyes were filled with distress as she tried to clearly communicate with me through the background noise, "Sir, you know what is currently happening right? Your daughter is missing."

What? Maybe I heard it wrong. There were overlapping conversations around us. She must've said something else.

"Excuse me, what?" I asked.

Nurse Lee breathed in deeply, "Your daughter has been kidnapped. She's been missing since last night. I'm so sorry."

I felt my heart drop into my stomach as an overwhelming urge to vomit emerge. The bunny slipped out of my hands as they lost their grip. The surrounding world felt as if it was all muffled.

What did she just say?

Nurse Lee immediately bowed as she quickly went inside the building.

Sura is kidnapped. My daughter is kidnapped.

My knees felt weak and unsteady. My lower body felt like jelly while my upper body felt heavier than usual.

I immediately collapsed onto the concrete floor.

"Seungcheol. Get up." Joshua bent down as he tried pulling up my arm. "Don't do this here."

I can't lose her again. Not again. But I'm helpless in this situation. My throat closed up up as it felt like someone had their fist around my neck.

I clenched my fist as I gritted my teeth. I don't know what to do. God.

"Seungcheol." Joshua lightly shook my shoulders as he tried pulling me up. The bunny stared at me lifeless with his black beady eyes.

God dammit. This hurts so bad. It hurts so fucking bad.

I banged my hand against the floor. I repeatedly hit my fist against the concrete floor.

"Sir. Sir, are you okay?" A nurse suddenly came to my aid as she bent down to my level.

No, I'm not. I'm not fucking okay.

"Seungcheol, get up." Joshua pleaded as he tugged onto my shoulder.

I crumpled my hair into my hands as my mind kept spinning. I can't even think straight right now.

What do I even do? What do I do now?

I don't know where she is. She must be so afraid and lonely. Sura must be crying right now. She must be so scared. And I'm not there for her.

I can't do anything.

Tears started forming in my eyes as I grabbed the bunny who was helpless in this situation.

"Oh Sura." I whispered softly hoping it'll reach her.

The tears started spilling onto the bunny's white fluffy fur as more formed from my eyes.

"Sura!" I yelled as embraced the bunny tightly into my chest.

"Sura!" The tears were falling onto the dry concrete making little puddles.

My daughter.

Her image formed in my head. Her long black hair which complimented her brown eyes. Her small face which had beautiful features. The way she waved cheerfully as she ran to school.

How she tightly embraced me whenever I hugged her whenever she got out of school.

Her heartwarming laugh as she enjoyed my jokes. Her beautiful laugh whenever I threw her in the air. The way she admired the members when we were performing.

Her words of encouragement. Her words of sadness. Her words of anger.

I don't know if I'll be able to experience any of that again.

Oh, Sura. I'm so sorry. I'm a terrible father.

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