Part 24

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The lights became dim.

"Sleep well, Sura. I love you." Joshua smiled sweetly as he softly closed my white door.

I deeply exhaled as I stared at the ceiling. The only sound dancing around the room was the soft tick of a clock.

The ticks were a substitute for a lullaby as it always rocked me to sleep. They were the last things I heard before I slept and the first things I heard when I wake up. Unless someone barged into my room.

I gently pulled up my covers until my shoulders. Slowly, my eyes became heavier and heavier as the tick became more distant.

Tick. Tick

"Get out of here!"

I suddenly was not on in the comfort of my own bed. I was in the back of a car. My parent's car?

"You want to misbehave so bad. Why don't you just leave?" My mother slammed the steering wheel as she turned in her seat, stretching the seatbelt. She clenched her teeth as she eyed me in frustration.

She grabbed my collar, pulling me closer to her face, "Look here. When you're living under my roof and my money, you don't question anything. Got it?"

Mother looked at me sternly in the eyes with her cold rejecting brown eyes. She clenched her jaw as she tightened her grip around my shirt. I could hear her the quiet motor of the car in the background.

She took a deep breathe through her nose as she released me out of her hands, "Don't disrespect me ever again. You won't even live to see tomorrow."

In a blink of an eye, I was suddenly in another setting. I was at my old school. This place?

I felt a sudden tug of my hair. I cautiously turned to see exactly who I was expecting to see. Eunha. Exactly as I remembered. Her long, curly brown hair which complimented her small face with pearly eyes.

She eyed at my uniform.

"Woah, hold on. Is that a stain on your shirt? Do you never wash it? Are you homeless?" She scoffed as she twisted her curly locks.

What's going on? Why is this happening to me? I haven't had nightmares in so long ever since my therapy sessions. This is not supposed to be happening anymore.

"Yah. What else is on your mind? Aren't you listening to me?" She tilted her head while popping the gum in her mouth.

She scoffed in disgust, "Answer me!"

Eunha slammed me against the wall, enclosing and trapping my body with hers. Iwinced due to the sharp pain lingering on my back. I'm not supposed to be here anymore.

"I'm sorry. I have to go."

I suddenly pushed Eunha to the side and started running out of the classroom.

"Yah! I'm not done!" She yelled from behind.

I have to get out of here. The hallways were identical. It all felt too real. This is just a dream. I have to get out of here before it's too late.

Suddenly, something came into my way. God, these people. I bounced onto the floor from the sudden push.

"Ouch. My head." I whimpered in pain as I rubbed my temples.

"Excuse me? Are you alone?" I looked up to see a elderly women. Wait, it's Mrs. Yoo.

I quickly scanned my surroundings. I'm at the entrance of the orphanage now. It was raining heavily.

Just like the day they left me.

"Come, let's get you dried up." Mrs. Yoo helped me up softly.

No. I'm not going through that again. I can't.

"Let go of me! This isn't real! I have to get home! Seungcheol will be worried!" I pushed the elderly away as I slowly stepped back in retreat.

Her face was filled her disgust then it immediately transitioned to pity.

"Honey, let's have a chat near the fireplace. It's raining." She softly cooed as she held out her hand as a peace offer.

A sudden urge told me just to accept it and get this dream over with. But I couldn't. I can't stay here again.

"I'm sorry. I have to go home." I turned around and started running to the gates.

"Stop! Stop that girl! She's gonna get hurt!" Mrs. Yoo shouted from behind.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Yoo.

This is not where I'm supposed to be. Everyone must be looking for me right now. I can't make them worry.

I ran past the entrance gate against the pouring of rain. I started running along the sidewalk hoping I would magically run past our home.

The rain was making it more and more difficult to run. My clothes were soaked along with my hair. My arms and legs were becoming sore and colder as it splashed in multiple puddles.

I can't stop. I have to get home.

My stamina was catching up to me as my breathing became more intense.

"Just a little more." I quietly commanded myself.

Suddenly, my foot got caught in the uneven sidewalk pavement.

I slipped along the slippery sidewalk, landing on my back.


I brought my hands up to my face. They had bruises and cuts. They were spots of dirts and dark spots. The rain made my vision moe and more blurrier.

I've got to get up.

I continued running despite the injuries throbbing inside of me. They're not gonna take me back. I love my life now. I'm not risking anything.


I looked to my right to see a light coming straight at me in the rain.

This is it.

Tik. Tik.

I'm back. At home.

The room was blurry.

It was spinning.

"Ugh. My head." I groaned in agony.

I have to get help. My head felt so heavy. I just need to call for help. I need someone.

I pushed aside my comforter wearily as I turned on my side.

The room kept spinning quicker and quicker. I felt myself getting pulled down. My eyes became more heavy as a flashing image flashed before my eyes.

What is this feeling?


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