chpt 49)fight aftermath and the day before the Grammy's

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everyone looked at me for a moment before continuing with their conversations.

me: where's my phone and wallet?

jungkook: here's you wallet.can you unlock your phone?

me: you turned it on?why?

jungkook: im bored

me:you have your won phone... don't post anything , tweet anything or do dumbshit

i unlocked my phone and handed it back to him. i watched as he went through instagram and twitter and then WEverse.

jungkook: can i post this picture of you ? this one with us and txt?

me: no , its from the other music video and it hasn't been release yet.

jungkook: ah , i see.okay then.

a text popped up 

" if you dont win that grammy , why did you even become an artist for" - father

my heart dropped and without realising , jungkook opened the message.

he saw the entire chat with him ,just messages of him telling me random stuff and me writing "okay father"

his smile dropped.i grabbed the phone back off him and typed  " okay father" before deleting it.within moments i got more and more messages , each from different people.

jungkook: i didn't even know you had all those peoples numbers.

me: yeah , i dont really reply to them all as soon as i get the messages.

jungkook: but why do you still have that iPhone 7 ? its so old?

me: its the first one i bought myself and i see no point in buying another one whilst this still works also i havent broke it yet.

namjoon saw us talking and joined in

namjoon: remember that time i bought AirPods with you and i lost them the day after?

jungkook: yeah , that was funny. i still have mine

me: i haven't even used AirPods yet 

jungkook: what about the ones apple sent you ?

me: i gave them to seolhyun because she lost hers before i could use them

namjoon: buy some then

me: i see no use in it , i rarely listen to music now a days unless i am alone and when watching stuff i usually have the volume low .it would be a waste of money also , you guys are getting signed to samsung so thats a bit of an issue too...i will have to deal with that later.

namjoon: i swear you got a deal with apple?

jungkook: yeah i heard that , the 20 million dollars for two years

me:i dont know,  to be honest...of course its good money and easy promotions but you guys are signed with samsung and it would cause rivalry between the two companies , us and our it is a lot to think about.

namjoon: how much did samsung offer you?

me: uhhh , last month it was 10 million for two years and i said no...then last week they said 15 million for two years.

namjoon: why not take it then?

me: i dont even use their products , i literally despise samsung products and android i would spend weeks learning how to even use the phone.

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