2.58. When Sanity Lost

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This is my second time I was abducted and Dan was the mastermind. I was crying alone in the room, mourns for my brother. I don't know whether he is alive or not. I've got no news from them and the only news I heard that, Barbra was at the hospital. Dan was furious and mad about the mishaps. He thought that Joong and Troy surrounded the area and yes, he was initially right. My men already penetrated Barbra's security two days before she gave me the address and they pretended to be one of her security. Troy located her location and informed me yet I didn't do anything but to wait and instructed him to do penetrate. It was Troy's expertise, to invade such security like Joss did to mine.

Dan was upset that I outsmarted him. He didn't know that Troy was already behind Barbra but I wasn't sure if he shot her. I was at the moment to save my brother and just heard the gun was fired and here I am, imprisoned by a lunatic.

It's already three days I spent in this big room. I was treated well while I am imprisoned and of course, Dan always pay a visit everyday but arguments rose up when he came.

I didn't know that he was a member of the Argus, recently. I never gave a thought who is the fifth member because I was preoccupied with Barbra, Alfred, Malcolm, and my brother. The tracker in me was thrown away after Dan search through my clothes. This time, I don't know if they will find me or I'll be imprisoned by Dan's craziness.

I heard the door opened while I was staring outside from the window.

"I heard you haven't touch your breakfast." Dan said.

"I don't have an appetite." I responded without turning my back.

"You better eat or else you will get sick."

"I'd rather get sick than eat your filthy food."

"Come on Bas, don't get too hard on me. I'm concerned about your health if you keep disregard your food." He said with a soft tone of voice trying to lure me with his schemes.

"Thank you but no. I rather die than living my life with you."

I thought he's going to respond on what I said hut he pulled my arm, dragged me to the bed and thrown. My arm hurts from his tight grip and when I looked at him, he's mad. He suddenly put his right hand on my neck and said.

"You don't have a choice but to live your life with me. No one can find you now."

He released his hand and I coughed out and gasp for air. I almost had hypoxia if he still grips on my neck as tight as he can.

"Remember, you are mine now. No one can take you away from me not even Joss." He said.

I scoffed and said. "Yes, you can have me but do you think I will love you back? We're over since we broke up ten years ago and I won't turn myself back to a person who treated me this way."

He raised his hand and wanted to slap me hut he pulled himself up. I thought I will have a beating but Dan forced himself to me as he tried to rape me. I resisted, fought back, and tried to protect myself. I kicked his balls as hard as I can and ran out from the bed trying to get out but his men were on guard and I was pushed back.

"You can't escape from me, Sebastian. As I said, you are mine!" He shouted and walked towards me with those eyes as evil as the Satan. "You know why I wanted to kill Amber?"

He asked randomly and laughed out loud. He's getting crazy which I thought he wasn't when he's at the mansion. I am deceived by this guy and it's my fault for not looking up to this situation.

He kept on walking towards me as I kept on making back steps until I had no where to go when I felt the wall on my back. Dan touched my face down to my neck.

Too Many Reasons Why I Love Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें