8. Happy Endings

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I started making an illustration book for my little Josh as what Dan suggested. Dan delivered a set of a high-tech computer that I can used for drawing. I don't know how to pay him for the computer and I told him that I'll pay him as soon as I have the money. Even though Dan don't want to accept my offer, he gave in just by saying yes.

Little Josh was beside me while I draw through the computer. He saw how I made a cute chibi character and I noticed that he was very focused and even screams at it. He kept on raising his arms to touch the monitor where he saw my drawings.

Dan was busy these past few days because he was chosen as one of the candidates for Mr. and Ms. Intrams in school. Joss was one of the candidate too and that surprised me why he joined. He never had a thing with that kind of competition. Dan visited us once in a week, exactly on Sunday because of his practice for the event.

However, someone was very angry with me right now and that was my bestfriend, Cassandra. She keeps on calling me and I hesitated to answer until I decided to take up her call.

"Basssssss!!!!!" She shouted at me over the phone and my ear hurts a lot. "Where are you?!!!"

I already knew why she called me for a consecutive times this morning while I was making the illustration book. I haven't told her that I left home and I move out from Joss' unit even though we texted a lot.


"I'm going pull out your dick and make a hole between yor legs if you won't tell me where you are!!!" She's mad and I touched my thing in between my legs, thinking that it hurts a lot if she did that.

"Hey, calm down."

"Why should I calm down huh?!!!" Now she's starting to threaten me by this kind of tone of her voice which she started to become suspicious.

"Chill... I'm sorry if I didn't tell you but it's better that you don't know where I'm staying right now."

"Shup up!" She shouted again and pulled away my phone a few inches from my ear. "Why are you hiding? Don't you trust me?"

"Of course, I turst you."

"Then tell me where are you now and I'll come over." She said and became a dictator now.

"I can't. Joss might follow you and he will find me."

"So, this is all about Joss."

I didn't answer because it's already obvious why I don't want to tell her where I live.

"Tell me where are you now. I can handle Joss by my own." She said and I sighed.

Cass is too persistent and a brat. What she wants, she really gets and that's what happened in our conversation.

"I will tell Dan to bring you here."

"What? Dan?"

"Yes... Dan... Joss' friend."

"Hey! How come Dan was involved in your hide-and-seek game with Joss?" She asked me.

"I'll tell when you arrive here."

I heard her sighed and said. "Fine! I'll come over and prepare yourself with a beating."

I laughed and she hanged up the phone. Right now, I'm very sure she's looking for Dan. I send a message to Dan about my bestfriend's agenda why she's looking for him. Dan didn't reply to my message and I set aside my phone on the table and pet my little Josh beside me.

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