17. Love Makes You Different

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It hurts that I need to shout at my mother because I chose to defend my baby against her. She wanted Bas to leave my house but it's not her call. I am the owner of the house which father gave it to me as my birthday gift when I graduated high school.

"Are you raising your voice on me?" She asked me after I shouted at her with my disagreement.

"Yes and you don't have a right to expell my boyfriend."

"What?!!!" Mother shouted.

She was surprised when I told her that Bas is my boyfriend and I know how sensitive she was about her reputation as a Gonzales and how much more that she's a Deveraux, the top leading family in the society.

My mother looked at my baby Bas indifferently like she wanted to slap or dragged him out from the house but I'm quick to go in between to protect my baby.

"Do you know how the world goes in this generation? It's full of shit that everyone wanted to disgrace you by just a mistake and you..."

"Wow! Such a homily Mom." I interjected and she got mad. "Before you give a sermon, why can't you point out that there are mothers too who abandon their child and remarried."

I got a hard slap from my mother but I was happy that I insulted her. It's better to disrespect her instead of putting a blame to Bas.

"You don't know how to respect me!"

"Why? Did you respect my feelings when you left me?" I sarcastically asked her and she shut up. "Don't insult me with such word respect because that's what I did when I was a child but you broke it when you left me and be with someone's family who was on top of this society."

Mother wanted to answer me back but I hit her below the belt. It's enough to make her mouth shut and slapped her with all the things he did to me.

She glared at Bas who held my right arm. I can feel he was trembling and was afraid.

"You will regret this, Dan!"

"Geez! How many times did I hear that?" I asked her and smirked. "I never regret every decision I made and I was proud of it."

"You're proud of having a relationship with a guy?"

"Yes and I can shout it in this world and let them know that the man I love find me a home where I feel love and improtance which you never did." I answered.

My mother was silent and nodded afterwards. I know she realized that I still had this pain in my heart since she left me after Dad died.

She walked out and took a minute to look at us again then she went out from the house. I sighed heavily and checked on my baby.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

He nodded but I can feel his hands trembling. I simply hug him and comfort him.

"Baby, don't be afraid. I am here to protect you."

"I know but I am afraid that you will hate her more. It's sad to see that a family fought just because of me." He said.

I looked at him and pinched his face.


I smiled when he gave me that cute glare of his.

"You're cuter when you got mad." I teased and he hit me on my chest. "Anyway, I want you to fight back when you encounter my mother again but I don't want you to be rude like me."

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