30. Mirror of Regrets

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One month later, I got busy due to my internship. I often see my wifey but I usually make time with him especially on dinner. Even it was too hectic for me, Bas always went to a restaurant near the hospital where I started my internship. He always brought Josh, the brat, every dinner but the important thing is, I am happy that I see my wifey two times a day.

My wifey is busy too on his third year and again, he's on the top. I don't know how he managed his time for school, for Josh, and for me. However, I'm always updated on things around Bas. Thanks to Tee that he kept me updated.

As a medical technology, I kept on doing some laboratory tests. It makes me boring yet I turned this negativity to positivity. That positive that I had is Bas. I always imagined his smiling face. It makes me inspired each and every day.

We never had some intimate moments together because I went hone tired in the morning after my twenty-four hours duty. Sometimes, I went straight to bed and sleep. Still my wifey took care of me in the morning, helping me changed my clothes while my eyes closed. If I had to say, Bas and I were like a married couple.

Bas started his first semester as third year student. We barely see each other in a day but Bas tried his best to see me in my workplace despite of his hectic schedule and household chores. I wanted to quit the internship because most of my time were spent on this stupid medical things. I examined shit, urine and blood everyday and I don't have time to examine my wifey's body for almost a month.

I missed his body, his lips and kisses, his fair skin, everything on him I missed that makes me complain and rant in my work.

What makes me nervous was Dan and I isn't in one group. I can't keep an eye on him so everyday, I'm nervous that he might sabotage me behind my back. I asked Troy to keep an eye on him until one day, a day that started my world to crumble.

Thalia kept on pestering me. She send messages, threatening me that she will tell Bas about my dirty secret. In exchange of her silence, she had one condition and that is too follow her rules. I wanted to refuse but I am scared that she will tell Bas about my secrets.

I casually met her discreetly during my breaks and I asked her to follow my condition as well, and that is we see each other in the afternoon only. She agreed as long as she can date me. I gave in to her crazy thoughts just to keep her mouth shut.

This is cheating and I know that but I won't let her destroy my relationship with Bas. I am very happy with my wifey but my dirty secrets kept on haunting me. I know she works under Dan and I go along with her, try to see what their plans are.

"Where are you?"

I was pissed when I read her message while I'm working. I ignored the message and continue what I am doing but my phone kept on vibrating. It irritates me.

"What do you want?!!"

"Come and see me. I'm outside of the laboratory."

I wasn't surprised and sneaked from the counter window. She was there, standing in front.

"Geez, she's too persistent." Gary said.

Gary knew about the setup and tried to help me out. He also gave me an advised about this and told me to end this as soon as possible but I hesitated because Thalia's mouth is uncontrollable.

"If killing a person isn't a crime then I already did that to her." I said with an angry voice.

Gary laughed and tapped my back.

"Go and see her. I'll cover you for a while."

"Thanks dude."

I went outside and dragged her away from the laboratory. I was cautious that Bas might suprise me anytime. We went near the fire exit door and started a conversation.

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