24. Proprietorial

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Joss' POV


Gary caught what Dan said while he was arguing with my baby Bas. I heard that but it was just like passing but I didn't expect that Gary really heard that.

Dan laughed at us and I was pissed. If only I didn't let him beat me just to let my baby saw that I wasn't fighting back, then he might not say that Bas and I are brothers. It was my plan to get beaten by him just in case my baby will look for Dan to confront him about the viral post in the forum about him having a baby.

However, it really went off this time and my friends now know about my relation with Bas. Gary went in front of us and asked us again.

"Is it true that you two are brothers?"

I don't know what to say and Bas was quiet as well but Dan answered it for Gary.

"Yes, and that's one of their secret." Dan was smirking and literally enjoyed the revelation. "Do you know why they kept it as a secret?"

Dan caught everyone's attention and Cassandra went to him and asked him to stop but he's anger really took us to this revelation.

"Even Cassandra knew about it." Dan added and Cassandra was mad by the look in her eyes.

"Dan, stop it." Bas said with a soft voice.

"Are you afraid that they will know that you're the bastard of the Rivera family?" Dan asked my baby.

I was pissed and wanted to beat him but my face and body were in pain because I intentionally let him beat him. It's my fault to give in with my plan but I didn't think that Dan will reveal our deepest secret.

"You mean, Bas is a Rivera?" Paul asked.

"Not exactly." Dan answered and was happy to reveal everything while Bas was quiet and I know he was worried what will be the reaction of my friends knowing that he's a bastard. "Bas is a child from another man of his mother but their father took him in but..."

"Enough, Dan." Bas said and still with a low tone of voice.

I looked at him and he was about to cry. I touched his face and said. "Don't let our secret affect you, Bas. For me, you're still my little brother."

Dan laughed and said. "I didn't expect from you Joss to spit some sweet words towards your brother. The fact was, you really physically harmed him because you hated him for being a bastard."

I was about to grab Dan's collar but Bas quickly held my wrist.

"It's okay. I'm not affected." My baby said.

And again, Dan laughed. I was pissed with his laughter since he told everyone about my relation with Bas. He enjoyed watching Bas got hurt and down like what I did to him when Bas had a relationship with that idiot Dan.

I didn't expect that Dan will use the same method.

"Really, Bas?" Dan asked him and Bas looked at him. I can see in my baby's eyes that he was afraid so I get in between them. "Now, you're protecting your little brother. I am touch!"

"If you won't shut your mouth then I will sew every part of your lips until you can't open your filthy mouth!" I threatened him.

"You can't scare me, Joss. I know exactly what you have done just..."

Without hesitation, I grabbed his collar and our friends tried to stop me.

"Listen, I know you're to much of bitterness because Bas broke up with you and that makes you a loser!" I insulted him and he took the insult. He was about to punch me and I smirked. "Do it... you just put yourself in a bad situation. Not just me, but to everyone around us." I whispered.

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