2.45. Despondency

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What the heck is happening here?

Yela is on bed and she's losing weight when I saw here inside this room. I don't know what's going on but is she sick?

Bas put down Josh and he ran to his mother then gave him a tight hug. The kid didn't notice the changes on her mother and yet Yela smiled at him like nothing happened. Yela asked us to leave them for a while so Bas and I went out the room.

"What's going on Bas? Is she sick?" I immediately asked him.

Bas didn't answer me right away. He shut his mouth for a while and I persistently asked him what happened to Yela.

"Yes, she's sick. She has a breast cancer, and it's stage four."

"What? Last time I saw her, she was okay and healthy." I said.

"She just ignored her symptoms and thought that it was just a casual pain but when it continuously bothered her, she asked me for help." Bas said.

"Is it the reason why she didn't come back when she's about to fetch Josh from us?" I asked him.

Bas nodded and I remember that he went out in a hurry at that time. I didn't know that was the day that Yela asked for his help.

"I accompanied her at the hospital under the Deveraux company. Tests were done and she was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was stage three at that time so Yela asked the doctor if she can be treated."

"Then she underwent chemotherapy."

Bas nodded and I was shocked by the news. That is why she didn't come back and Bas asked me to take care of Josh at that time. I didn't know that Yela went through all of this and the difficult part is, how to explain it to her son.

I asked Bas if the treatment responded and he shook his head.

"The cancer metastasize and it's affecting her other organs. In just a month, it progresses but Yela wanted to continue the treatment. But..."

"But the doctor suggested for palliative care because it is too late for chemotherapy, am I right?" I interjected and Bas nodded.

I don't know what I am feeling. I am sad for Yela's condition but I am in pain for her son. I don't know what will be Josh's reaction if he knew about her condition. Out of nowhere, I realized that I shed a tear and Bas held my hand.

"Yela asked us for a favor." Bas said.

"I already knew what her favor is. It's her son."

"Yes and she wanted us to take care of him when she dies."

"Why did you keep this from me or Josh? I don't know what to say if the kid will ask me."

"It's Yela's wishes not to tell anyone. She wanted to get cured before taking back her son."

I wanted to get wild about the situation because Josh will lose someone who is dear to him. Although he kept on looking for Bas but he never failed on asking his biological mother from time to time.

Bas gave me a hug and said. "If something happens to her then it's our responsibility to take care of little Josh. He had no one except us."

I calmed myself and held Bas in my arms. I am sad for Josh as he might lose her mother anytime. In her condition, I can tell that her illness worsen. She's skinny where I can see the bones prominently. Though she's weak, she still had the strength just to keep her composure in front of her son.

I asked Bas if this is the reason why he wanted to live in the Northern Province and he said yes, for Josh's sake. He wanted Josh to spend time with his mother before something happens.

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