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New third book in mafia series called The Mafia Brothers.

The Mafia Brothers

Summary:The Ramerez brothers were the ones you avoided to be around

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The Ramerez brothers were the ones you avoided to be around.

They all just brewed trouble and havoc against the town people and was feared by everyone.

One day, they were charge for a major  crime that led to the arrest of all four deadly brothers and others thought they were locked away for good this time.

For three years, everything was at peace until news spread of the Ramerez brothers return.

However, Chloe wanted to avoid them at all cost since it was her senior year.

She had goals to stay out of trouble and aspirations to get into Brown University since her parents were ivy leagues alumni.

But not everything turn out the way she planned.

Somehow one drunken night landed her in the bed of, Sean Ramerez who was a delinquent covered in tattoos.

But when Chloe gets to know them more, she delved deeper into the world of crime.

Especially when the Easton's High School King came back and claimed her as his.


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