Chapter 25: Sisters

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"She was beaten to a bloody pulp to the point where I found her unconscious in the middle of her living room when...when I came over to see how she was doing," She sniffled a lot on the other end and cried.

I hoped that she was okay and I honestly felt horrible.

I should have made more effort to see how Stacey was doing, but there was only so much that I could do.

I couldn't force her to return my text messages or phone calls unless she wanted to reach out to me.

Also every time she got back together with her toxic ex-boyfriend, Levi she would be anti-social until they broke up.

I was honestly shocked to hear the news that Stacey was in an abusive relationship.

She was such a beautiful human being who deserved to treat her right and not some trash who treated her like nothing.

It was sad that she couldn't see that she was an awesome person and that it was Levi's lost and not hers.

I swear that if Levi was the reason why she was in the hospital then I would make sure that he got thrown in jail for hurting my best friend.

The release of the sadness that had been held inside while talking to Tamera, caused me to let out a heart-wrenching wail.

Suddenly, a single tear slid down from my face, followed by another one, and another one, until soon, a steady stream of salty tears flowed its way down my cheeks.

"What have the doctors say on her condition?" I asked while driving through the downtown area.

"That she is in critical condition. She suffered from head trauma, some broken ribs, a broken nose, a lot of bruises over her body and face. So far they couldn't tell how long she will be in the hospital for," She cried more into the phone, "It's all my fault-"

"Hey please don't say that. It is no one's fault. I mean you didn't know what was going with Stacey and I didn't know either. I'm deeply thankful that you got to her own time before it was too late for you to call the ambulance,"

"Yeah, you're right. And are you on your way now? Or do you need the address to Lakewood Hospital?" Tamera asked.

"Yeah just text me the address and I will be there very soon," I sniffled while focusing my attention on the road.

"Okay, I just did. And check into room 708 as one of Stacey's guests. She's in the adult care unit," Tamera responded.

"Alright thank you. I'll see you and Stacey soon," I replied and she said the same.

Soon I ended the call, and my mind was discombobulated.

Just a few moments ago, I was excited to see if Cole wanted to hang out again.

However, the news of my best friend currently being at the hospital made me at a loss of words.

I had a gut feeling that Levi abused Stacey and because of the fear she had of him, she told neither Tamera nor I about it for perhaps months or even years the abuse had been going on.

I sighed when I finally arrived at Lakeview Hospital. The last time I remembered being here was when I went for a yearly check-up but that was three years ago.

I wasn't too fond of seeing a doctor now since I dread doctor visits. It was not the doctor themselves the irritated me but just the environment itself.

When I had to constantly wait in the sitting room then, I waited alongside rude sick people.

Those who would sneeze or cough on me when clearly there was more than enough space for them to do so elsewhere.

I would honestly be paranoid afterward a bit hoping to not catch what they had.

I shook my head at the distant memory as I walked to security who was searching for some stuff on the computer.

"Hello," I greeted her. She turned her attention to me and smiled.

"Hi, how may I help you?" She asked.

"Um yes ...I'm here to see Stacey Alfonzo. She's in the adult care unit and I'm her guest," I replied as she nodded her head.

She then asked me to spell out her name so she could search her up through the database. I did so and soon she filled out the guest room card for me to use and I thanked her.

I then headed towards the elevator that was near the café and press down on the button.

Soon it arrived and I stepped inside, smelling a heavily scented cologne that reminded of my boss's Mr. Sanchez cologne.

I honestly didn't know which was worst since both were a strong musky smell, but this one was twice as strong.

I coughed a bit, trying to use my hand to wave away the smell from my nose, but failed miserably.

I sighed in relief as I finally reached the seventh floor, and quickly got off the elevator.

My heart was beating at an alarming rate when I finally got to Stacey's room.

I knocked slowly on the door and waited for Tamera, who I hoped was still there to answer it.

Soon the door opened, and I met a teary-eyed Tamera who seemed like she just got done crying, but still, her eyes were dripped with tears.

"Hey," She croaked as she hugged me and moved aside for me to enter the room.

"Hey," I greeted her back and walked further inside, looking towards Stacey.

When I saw the state of my best friend being plugged up to different wires and even using an oxygen mask to breathe made my heart dropped.

She looked so helpless, and far from her normal vibrant self.

"I know I should have told you over the phone, but the doctors also said that the wounds Stacey suffered from looked like it was done by somebody," Tamera said, quietly.

"Somebody? Do you think it was Levi?" I asked.

"I don't know, but it could've been him," Tamera replied as she sat at Stacey's side and held her hand in hers.

For a moment there was silence and I instantly felt more tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down my face.

I felt the muscles of my chin tremble and I heard my own sounds, like a distressed child, raw from the inside.

All I knew was that if it was Levi who did this to Stacey then he would pay for it.

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