Chapter 21: Red Rose

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"Ugh yes yes boss, she is here," He said, nervously when Cole turned around and narrowed his eyes at him.

"Good, you can leave," Cole nodded his head toward the doorway and the host quickly ran out of the room.

Once when we were alone in the room Cole spoke.

"Is good to see you, love, how have you been?" A beautiful smile etched across his face while he walked over to me.

"Ugh good until my hangout with Tamera," I folded my arms across my chest when he stood in front me.

When he tried to place his arms around my waist, I stopped him from doing so and raised a brow at him.

"Really what happened then?" He raised a brow at me. 

I knew he knew what I was talking about so it was almost as if he was challenging me to go against his wishes.

"Well, the night was cut short after I found out that I was being watched by your men. And what's the big deal of some random guy hitting on me-"

"Well, first thing love I don't see a problem with my men watching over considering I do have a lot of enemies. So, if anything I was just protective over what's mine which is you," He placed a strand of my hair behind my ear, "and two that stranger was lucky to have survived that night without me even being there. Since I've been in a better mood since I've met you so I allowed him to live that night," He said in a threatened undertone as his accent became heavier when he mentioned of him allowing the flirtatious guy to live that night.

"You allow that stranger to live that night? Cole, who are you? Are you a psychopath or something?" I asked, thinking that he was being a bit overdramatic.

"Angel there some things you have yet to know of me and is better that I keep that way for now. And I can be when it comes to some fool thinking they can pop up out of nowhere and try to mess around with what is mine!" He said angrily as he walked away from me, "Everyone in this city knows who I am. So, I let him off the way I did as a warning!" He punched into the wall and instantly damaged it by making a big deep hole in it.

Anger boiled deep inside of his system, as hot as lava. It was almost as it churned inside of him like it was hungry destruction.

He then walked over to me as if he was a lion and I was his prey. Every step I took back, he took two steps forward until I reached the edge of his desk.

"Woah Cole you need to calm down," I placed my hands shakily own his chest trying to calm him down. I knew he wasn't going to hit me, but seeing him upset like this was a first.

"Now angel I need you to choose how you want to end this night. On a good note where you leave things to be or on a bad note where there are consequences to face," A cruel sneer formed on his smooth face and he leaned forward, eyes bearing straight into mine.

"Consequences like what? Are you going to ground me or something dad?" I said, sarcastically and rolled my eyes at him which made him growl in anger.

His eyes darkened instantly to a darker blue shade and for a moment I thought he was a werewolf or something until I realized that they don't exist.

However, werewolves only on exist Wattpad, but surely he was acting like an overbearing alpha mate who did not allow their mate to walk one step away from them.

If they did, they are already accusing them of seeing someone else, I thought.

"Roll your eyes at me one more time and you'll regret it," He stepped closer to me, leaving no space between us. 

Instantly I felt his minty breath fanning across my face.

Considering that I was the stubborn person, I rolled my eyes thinking he wouldn't do anything when I was wrong about that.

Before I could speak, he kissed me fiercely. It was for him quickly wrapping his arms tightly around my waist, I would've been knocked off my feet.

Seconds later, we pulled apart and I breathed heavily as our foreheads rested on each other.

I stared at him being lost in his silver color eyes which returned to its normal color.

His eyes were deep and catastrophic along with having a bit messy styled hair which made him look extremely handsome.

I was lucky to have a guy like Cole since every woman wanted to be with him.

He wore an unreadable expression until he noticed the fact, he had on me which made him smirk.

Suddenly, someone came into the room without knocking when we both look to see who it was.

I tried to pull apart for him, but Cole stubbornly kept his arms around my waist.

When I noticed that it was his sweet nana, I playfully hit his chest which made him let go of me.

"Hey Cole darling, do you-"

She stopped in her mid-question to Cole when she noticed the closeness that we were.

And seeing that my cheeks were bright red, she instantly got the hint that we were intimate seconds before she walked in.

She was radiant like the last time I saw her.

And also rocked a new nice short hairstyle with her hair being a new jet black color.

"Hi sweetie, how have you been?" She smiled, walking over to me to give her a hug and I hugged her back.

"Good Miss. Morettie, you?" I smiled and she returned the smile.

"That's nice and I haven't seen you in a while. We sure need to catch up, but that is, of course, my pookie bear here don't mind," She pinched his cheeks and kissed him on the cheek which made him grumble.

For a moment he looked adorable which made me giggle a bit.

Until he narrowed his eyes at me and I instantly hid my giggles with a fake cough.

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