Chapter 26: It's Just Business Part 1

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I had walked these streets my whole life, I know them just the same as if they were etched in my head with a sharp knife, scored in deep like some strange work of art.

These were the streets I grew up on and for the most part, I'm calm here, on the low with a steady heartbeat. Not tonight though.

Tonight my heart was out of my chest.

It wanted to beat free of its cage.

It pounded like it was going to crack a rib. My senses were on high alert since some of my well-trusted men were out on the move.

This night I was in my office, making high end calls for business ventures I was interested to go into.

I wanted to make more money than than I did at the moment.

Before I made the decision, I had informed my dad about it since he was still the mafia don of our organization.

Someday, my dad would pass down his status to me and by then I would become the new drug pin.

Although I was not one yet, I was still a force to be reckoned with.

While I looked through some files, I knew in the streets my men were still working around the clock in trying to find out who James worked for.

My dad asked a few times if I needed his help in finding who James worked for or with to pull off a messy job. 

I refused his help since I wanted to show him that I was truly ready to be a leader instead.

Believe it or not, I wanted my dad to be proud of his son and not second guess on my readiness to take over the family business.

I honestly couldn't wait for him to pass on to me since I would better the business.

Also have it make more money and current with the new business ventures I was looking into.

As I sat back down in my seat, my mind drifted back to the James situation.

News on the street that James did, in fact, work with someone that night to pull off a hit which miserably failed because if it did not then it would not have been traced back to them.

Before I placed another target on somebody, I wanted to make sure it was the right person.

Since with the stakes being high and the police patrolling around these recent slow nights, the last things I wanted to do was start another shit drama to cause a domino effect.

I was not worried about the cops since my family-owned with the entire city, but I'll be damned to run my name through the dirt if this messy hit doesn't be cleaned up by me and my men.

Especially if I don't clean it up as soon as possible then other rivals may think I had some sort of weakness that would make them want to try me.

If that was the case then James and whoever he worked with be used as an example to never cross me nor in their wildest imagination that would be possible.

Recently, there was a shipment coming in this week that would continue to make my men and I rule downtown, control both drugs and extortion rackets.

My men and I wanted to replace the old weapons so that we could be better equipped for whatever came our way.

Also with the old weapons, we would just sell it at a higher price than we brought it.

Our buyers didn't care where we got our weapons from since they just knew it was high quality anyway.

Besides I was itching to get my fingers on the new shipment.

It was filled with military automatic weapons for my men and me as well as other products to sell to the streets in order for us to make a great profit from our trade.

Suddenly, someone knocked on my office door, making me snap out of my inner thoughts.

"Come in!" I answered only to see that it was Marco.

He smirked which only could mean he had news that I wanted to hear. Marco was definitely one of my top capo men.

He managed his own location in the streets, but at the end of the day, the profits will be passed on to me after taking a fair share of his own profit.

"Yes," I arched an eyebrow.

"We haven't found who James worked for yet, but we sure found those he was in a getaway car with on the night when he hit up one of your spots," He replied.

"So are they dead or alive?" I asked.

"Alive since we couldn't have you miss out on all of the fun if we ended them ourselves," He laughed at his own joke which made me narrow my eyes at him. When he got the hint that I didn't find his joke to be funny, he stopped instantly, "anyway it's a fun surprise," He clapped his hand together.

"Where are they? I want to torture and kill them myself!" I said, angrily.

"In the basement," He raised his hands, surrendering.

"Good," I smirked as I walked out of my office and Marco followed behind me.

This was just an example for traitors like James and his flunkies, teaching others like them to never cross the Moretti family.

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