Chapter 35: Seeing Him Again

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Two weeks later....

My head was pounding. My hands felt clammy.

My eyelids were drippy, but I forced them open, looking around the dimly lit room, blinking back the blurriness.

I then looked down seeing that an IV drip was attached to my arm, and soon I realized I was in the hospital room.

I closed my eyes for a moment, not believing the events that happened last night and I was in a hospital bed.

It was crazy to think I faced a near death life experience all because of Levi's jealousy rage.

He's had beaten me before, but never to this extent where I was in a coma.

Tears pricked my eyes since I foolishly thought I was with a man who loved me, but I was fool.

Slowly I tried to sit up but quickly realized how futile it was when I had to bite my lip to keep from crying out.

Sharp pain lanced through my head and colorful spots flashed in front of my eyes, it felt like my whole body had been beaten and every movement caused some muscle or bone to ache.

Wincing In pain I started to grab the metals bars from each side of the bed, until I felt a hand place on my shoulder.

I was somewhat startled when I felt someone was running their finger through my hair, and looked towards the person who was doing it.

When I saw that it was him, I sighed.

"Stacy you still need more rest," He spoke, quietly and wiped away my tears.

"Thank you," I sniffled, already feeling tired.

"No need to thank me since I would give my life to ensure that you're safe. How are you feeling?" He kissed my forehead.

"I still feel some pain because of what Levi have done to me," I coughed a little and he handed me a glass of water.

After I drank some it, I looked back at him, seeing that the light of the room illuminated his dark masculine features.

For a moment there was silence until he spoke.

"I'm sorry-"

"It's not your fault. You didn't know and you can't always be there for me," I softly touched his cheeks as we stared deeply into each other's eyes.

"Yes I can if you allow me too," He said deeply, making me look away from him. He's been wanting me to since Levi for him, but I was filling him out. I licked my lips, looking back at him again "And why didn't you tell me fucking filthy Levi was abusing you?" He said, angrily when I softly placed my hand on his arm, calming him down.

"This was the first he placed his hand on me and suspected that I was cheating on him again. Only this time he saw the lovely text messages from you. I was so stupid that I didn't delete them in time," I sighed, making him give me a hug.

I smelled deeply his amazing cologne when he spoke.

"Hey it's not your fault and you have my word that this will be the last time he do this to you," He kissed me on the forehead.

Being the man that he was, I knew his words were a promise.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, making me jump a bit and he held my hands in his, calming me down once more.

"Hello is me Dr. Clark!" Dr. Clark called out.

"You can come in." He replied.

Moments later, Dr. Clark walked in and I turned my attention towards him, seeing that he was a middle aged man and about five foot six.

He had grey hair, dark hair and green eyes, which something about them looked familiar.

I then shook my head since I was just overthinking things.

He bowed, respectively when he saw that I was with him.

The doctor then turned his attention towards me, smiling which I returned the smile.

"I see you're awake and look much better than before. How are you?" He looked through the chart he carried.

"I'm doing well, but I still feel some pain in my shoulder." I replied and he nodded his head.

"No worries, you'll be given some medicine to help you to deal with the pain. Also it's good you're doing well some since miraculously your injury missed all of your vital organs. Your health now seems to be in good condition and everything check out fine. I would suggest for you to get enough rest and take the pills I prescribed to you." He looked at me through his long lashes and I nodded my head.

After Dr. Clark was done checking on me, He and I were left in the room alone.

While I tried to get up from my bed, I winced in pain since I moved in a way that almost made my stitches open up.

He quickly attended to me, making sure I didn't hurt myself any further.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"I just want to go to the bathroom to freshen up." I replied, while he picked me up bridle style and carried me to the bathroom.

Once we reached the bathroom, he somehow managed to open the door, and before he stepped inside, I spoke.

"I can do the rest." I reassured him. Even though he seemed like a nice guy, I still needed my privacy.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded my head.

He was hesitant at first, but he finally left me alone inside the bathroom.

After he stepped outside, I locked the door and splashed water on my face.

My hair was a bit messy, skin pale with cracked lips.

I didn't look like my usual vibrant self, but my looks were the least thing I was worried about.

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