Chapter 12: Surprise Rose Part 1

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The alarm clock was rude, so very, very rude.

From the middle of the most wonderful dream, I was brought sharply into focus.

After the initial anger passed, I looked at the time and saw that it was an hour before my job started.

I sighed since I felt like being lazy today and decided to call off work by using one of my sick days instead.

Picking up my phone, I called my job and told them that I couldn't make it in since I was sick.

"Wait hold on," They said and I replied ok.


"Yes, this is Naomi-"

"Oh Naomi, don't worry about today. I was given instructions to let you take a day off today so don't worry about it..."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Cole said so..."

"Oh okay," I replied, wondering why Cole would do such a thing. After I hung up the phone, I called who unsurprisingly didn't pick up his phone.

While I wondered what his agenda in doing what he did was, I wasn't really upset since at least I had gotten a day off. But now I was more curious about Cole's plans for today.

I turned off my alarm o'clock and rested more comfortably in my bed.

Before I could doze off again, my home sound alarm went off from the kitchen and instantly I smelled something burning.

"What the fuck," I muttered underneath my breath while I quickly got out of my bed and ran towards my kitchen.

Once there I saw that it was Tamera coughing when she waved the smoke away from the burnt pizza.

She then placed the ruined food inside the kitchen, turning the pump on so the water could cool it down.

"Really!" I shouted, making her jump.

"Hey you...I thought you were sleeping," She smiled, innocently.

"I was before I smelt your burnt food. And how do you even burn pizza when is already made?" I sighed, seeing that it was burnt domino's pizza out of all things.

The last thing I wanted was to be upset but it was sort of hard when the burnt pizza mess up the peach smell of my apartment.

"Sorry I was taking a shower and then I got a call from some guy..."

"Next time you want to eat pizza order it or pay attention. My house will not be set on fire because of you," I air freshened the place which barely helped and I took down the house smoke alarm.

"Soorrry I'll pay attention next time and won't get distracted but girl Logan wants to date me," She rolled her eyes.

"Nice subject change but Logan who?"

"Logan the ex-convict like the only ex-convict to ask me out.." She ran her finger through her hair.

"Ohhh he...seems maybe nice I guess," I raised a brow.

"Yeah right? I don't want to date a guy with a bad reputation. Don't nobody have time for that,"

"I mean yeah the money is nice but being in a world of crime and fast life is not good to live by. I would be with a guy and live white picket fence boring life..."

"Funny you say that but I hope you know Cole is anything but that right?" She chuckled a bit while I stuck my tongue at her like a little kid.

"Yeah, I know. I mean he definitely is an exception..." I laughed and she did also.

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