Chapter 30:The Perfect Dress

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"If you want me to go then yes I will go with you," He said in a low gruff voice.

"Okay fine, we can go but I need to get a dress for the event," I said.

"That's fine by me. We can go shopping if you want to since I did mean to take you out today," He smiled, charmingly.

"Okay, that would be nice. Also, I need some shopping to cheer me up more instead of being in a funky mood," I said, getting up from the couch as he followed behind me.

"Babe don't be shy to pick out what you want since I love to buy you everything that you want," He intertwined our hands together and led us outside.

"Alright if you say so," I smirked, thinking of all the other things I needed then which wasn't much but since Cole wanted to pay for everything I got then there no limit with him.

I felt the sun, warming up my skin and making to reminiscence on my favorite season which was the summertime.

When we got in the car, the driver drove us towards the mall.

While we were being driven, I looked outside the window admiring the nature that surrounded, realizing there were a lot of beautiful places I had yet to visit in the city.

Lost in my thoughts, I rested on Cole's chest, while he held me close to him.

After we arrived at the mall, I did some window shopping as well as shopped at some stores.

I was glad that the mall had one of my favorite stores and entered inside, seeing that lines were long.

I sighed since I didn't like to wait in a long line when I was done shopping.

I looked around the store for clothes that I would like to wear for my mom's charity event.

"What about this?" I picked out a dress and showed Cole.

"It's too short." He placed the dress back on the rack.

"But it covers most of my legs and I don't have much to work with-"

"No." He said in a final tone and I sighed.

While we looked through dresses, it seemed like the ones I liked, or thought was somewhat nice, Cole didn't like after I tried them on since it was either too short, too revealing, or not loose enough.

When I came close to giving up, we were finally able to agree on a dress that was both perfect color and length.

"I need to try this one," I picked up off the rack and Cole nodded his head, approvingly.

I then rushed to change into it in the dressing room and walked to see a heated gaze, Cole.

"Wow you are beautiful," He gave me a small on the lips.

"Thank you," I smiled, admiringly myself in the mirror outside of the changing room.

It was a ruby dress that was flowed at the bottom and along with the jewelry I had, I knew it will be a very cute outfit to wear.

It was a ruby dress that was flowed at the bottom and along with the jewelry I had, I knew it will be a very cute outfit to wear

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The chest part wasn't too revealing and it didn't show too much of my back.

I loved the dress and knew it would go perfectly with some red heels I brought last month for another occasion.

This was my go-to dress and after I changed back into my normal clothes, we were done shopping.

I sighed a lot as we waited in line for a while until it was our turn.

Once the cashier rang up my things, Cole took out his credit card and paid for it.

"Thank you again," I kissed him on the cheek.

"Anything for you, princess." He smiled. We then linked my arm around his and we walked outside the store.

"Do you want to buy a tuxedo here?" I asked him when he smirked.

"I don't buy from the mall since I have a family tailor just for my suits," He said.

"Oh okay nice," I nodded my head, expecting it would be so considering he was a millionaire. And looking at his outfit know, it was the most expensive compared to the other clothes that were already there at the store.

"Or do you want a newly handmade dress?" He asked.

"But the charity event is tomorrow and I just brought this dress," I held up the shopping bag.

"I can pull of some strings to make it happen for you," He replied.

"That would be nice, but I'm okay with this one since it's very elegant and beautiful," I smiled, "Besides I'm not too much into designer labels since as long as it's cute to wear then I could surely slay in it," I laughed a bit and he smirked.

"Well of course when you're a beauty who looks beautiful in anything," He winked at me, making me blush, "anyway do you want to do more shopping?"

"No for , but perhaps we can get something to eat," I suggested.

"Yeah, sure we can and also I have a lovely dinner for us to go to," He intertwined our hands together and led us back into his car.

When his driver started the car, I spoke.

"If you don't mind me asking, where are we eating?" I asked as Cole place his arms around my neck.

"Well it's not upscale fancy, but it's a hibachi grill that is also a buffet," He kissed me on the cheek.

"Awesome I love eating at a buffet and also hibachi food," I smiled, happily, "and since when do you eat at a buffet?" I raised a brow, folding my hands across my chest.

"Well Naomi just because I'm rich doesn't mean I spend all my money on fancy eating places, designer labels and stuff," He laughed wholeheartedly, "Besides I know a lot of places to eat at since I love to eat," He replied, making me laugh also.

I was glad then that I finally found a guy who loved to eat as much as me.

The other guys I dated always commented on how I can eat so much, but yet be so skinny.

I guess it was because of my genetics with having a high metabolism since my mom also had the same body type as me.

For a moment, I felt stress-free from overthinking how the charity event will go when seeing my sister again.

However, I just hoped the event will go smoothly, but if my sister tried to be slutty flirty with my man this time around than I will knock her into next week.

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