** Chapter 27: "MIRACLE" (Part2) **

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Rain was rushed to the emergency room

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Rain was rushed to the emergency room. His pulse was very weak. The doctor immediately performed revival procedures to bring back his normal heartbeat. When they still could not get a response from him after doing CPR and chest compression, the doctor told the nurses to prepare the defibrillator. Once it's ready, they started to deliver electric current to his heart.

When Mr. Stevens arrived, fear crawled all over his skin as he saw his dying son in the middle of the hospital stuff trying to save him.

Tension filled the entire room. Every second of the time was paid attention to. Everyone had the same desire to happen, and the eagerness to achieve that was evident in the gesture of everyone within that room.

When the third and last shock from the defibrillator was released, a beep rang in their ears from the heart-rate monitor. They all let out a sigh of relief when Rain began to breath normally again.

“Oh, thank goodness” Tessa cried out, clutching her hands together.


They were all mystified how Rain got himself to the Aquatic Therapy room knowing he could no longer walk. When they watched the video surveillance in the hallway where his room was, they saw him really walking by himself. They were shocked and incredulous.

“What's happening, doc?” Mr. Stevens asked in a confused tone.

“Like you, I can't believe it either.” Dr. Sethi answered, equally baffled. “This is totally unbelievable. I’ve never had a patient who’d done this before, and no one has ever been recorded to have done so in the history of cancer treatment as far as I know. (paused) I will re-examine his body.” he added.

Mr. Stevens agreed. When Dr. Sethi left the room, he looked at his son in bed.

Tessa approached him. “I’m really sorry, Mr. Stevens. I wake up every hour to check on him. I was also surprised that he was not in his bed the last time I checked. I wake up immediately even to faint noises, but I swear I didn’t hear a thing when he left the room.” she explained.

“Forget it. The important thing is he’s still here with us.” he replied, gently rubbing Rain's head.

“He could not even raise his hand... It's hard to believe he got out of this bed by himself...  I believe it was God’s work. It’s only Him who can do it.” she said, looking at Rain.

“Are you saying God wanted my son to die in that pool?” he asked without looking.

“No sir. What I'm trying to say is… there are things that He doesn't give away easily. If He wanted him to drown, he's no longer with us now, but look, he’s still here… breathing.” she replied.

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