** Chapter 1: "CHANGE" (Part2) **

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At the bar, Rain and his friends sat at the counter and ordered cold drinks

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At the bar, Rain and his friends sat at the counter and ordered cold drinks.

"Tyler wants to invite us to his house party on Friday night. What do you think?" Jet asked them.

"I'm in. House party means party girls." Raphael agreed right away.

"How about you, Rain?" Jet asked.

"Of course he'll come. Our guy here never skip fun parties." Raphael answered for him.

Rain smirked. "Yeah, sure"


It was past midnight when Rain got home. He lost count of his intakes at the bar. His last shot made him dizzy. As he was heading to his room, he kept rubbing and shaking his head.

Their big house was very quiet at night. His mother was always away managing their family business. He was lonely when he's at home. That's why he spends most of his time outside.

When he got to his room, he headed straight to the bathroom. He took off his clothes and went under the shower. He hoped the water could somehow relieve his headache.

It did.

After his bath, he went to his bed naked and lay down. Like always, the silence reminded him again of his deepest sorrows.


"Do I look okay?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah, you look pretty as always." Leina answered.

"Really? Do you think I'm attractive?" she asked, feeling thrilled and excited.

"Wait a minute. You told me you will go to that party to have some fun. You mean getting the boys' attention is the fun part you're talking about?" Leina asked in a displeased tone.

"Well, yeah... Come on, Leina. It's been six months since Mike and I broke up. I need a brand new love." she reasoned in a dramatic voice.

Leina did a disgusted reaction. "Love? For what I know, love comes. You don't have to look for it. It will definitely come to you. As I always say, you're pretty and nice too. That won't be hard for you."

Olivia was flattered listening to her friend's compliments about her. "You know, nowabays, women can make the first move." she told her, hoping she got what she meant.

She did not. She gave her a disgusted reaction again.

Olivia sighed. "I give up." she said, raising her both hands in the air.

"Are you sure you'll be okay alone at that party?" Leina asked her in a concerned tone.

"Don't worry. I'm pretty and nice, remember? I got this." she answered, then she winked at her.

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