** Chapter 9: "CHANCE" (Part2) **

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The next day, all freshmen students returned to their normal routines at school

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The next day, all freshmen students returned to their normal routines at school. Their one day rest after the ball was over.

In their classroom, Leina was bombarded again by her classmates asking her about the scene Rain and her did at the ball.

"I was like holy shit. I thought I was watching a scene in a movie." a girl said, recalling it.

"Yeah, and the entire ball literally froze up... What really happened back there? Is it true he kidnapped you?" another girl asked.

"The real question here is what happened after that epic runaway you both did?" a girl on the right blurted.

They all screamed, twitterpated.

"I wonder what Rain taste like. If I can get a chance to sleep with him, I'll let him choke me to death." the first girl said bluntly.

They laughed.

Leina did a disgusted reaction after she heard that. As she was trying to ignore them, Danny came across her mind. She remembered when she left him after he told her to wait. It'd been bothering her since the other day after her conversation with Rain. When she could not take the noise anymore, she got up from her chair and went out of their classroom.

In an empty corner, she took her phone out of her pocket and called Danny's number. It rang for a few seconds, then he answered it.

Her: "Dan?"

Him: "Hey Leina, yeah, it's me."

Her: "Hi, um... I just want to apologize for leaving the ball without telling you." (abashed)

Him: "It's okay... Is it true? One of my staff told me a guy carried you out of the ballroom. I'm actually worried about you, but I have no idea about your relationship with that guy, so I just waited for you to call."

Her: "Well... he's someone I know." (hesitant)

Him: "Are you dating him?"

Her: "Um... yeah" (hesitant)

Him: "I see... Guess that means I'm too late." (a little sad)

Her: "What do you mean?" (confused)

Him: Nothing

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