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Dove was at work talking with her colleagues at the reception desk. "Dove you wanna biscuit?" her work mate Destiny asked.

"Oh yes please." she giggled taking a chocolate digestive out of the packet. She was just about to put the biscuit in her mouth the red telephone rang. Destiny turned around and answer the phone. All Dove could see was her nodding and writing things down.

"What's happened?" one of the other nurses asked.

"Erm, An asian male around his early twenties has been stabbed twice in the abdomen. He's dying in the ambulance, there's a lot of blood." Destiny explained.

"Dove can you handle that amount of blood?" the senior doctor asked. "yeah sure." she sighed shoving the cookie in her mouth. They had to get prepared for the critical patient being brought in by the paramedics.

Dove placed a pair of blue gloves on, a mask and an apron. She was the doctor who was going to have to deal with patient.

Within minutes the paramedics burst into the building rushing a patient in. They rushed him into the emergency room and Dove prepared herself before entering the room.

She placed herself next to the patient and grabbed a knife. She cut through his jumper so she could have clear access to the wounds. Her mind was so focused on healing the man she didn't realise the man was Taehyung. "Danish can you come here and apply pressure please." she ordered one of the nurses. He followed her instructions and applied pressure to the wounds.

She had to check for any internal bleeding so she did just that and found the stab wound had burst his appendix and the other just missed his liver. Dove had to remove the burst appendix before the poison spread throughout his body.

So it wasn't just the bleeding that could kill him, if the poison gets out he could also die. "How's his blood pressure?" she asked concentrating on getting the damaged organ out.

"It's dropping rapidly." a nurse replied. Dove paused noticing two similar moles on his arm, they seemed too similar to her. Her eyes trailed up the body to stop at her blonde haired ex husband.

Her heart fell into her stomach and she gasped seeing how pale and lifeless he was. There was a huge lump in her throat as she thought of what the possibilities were. He was dying on her table, she could have easily broken down and fucked up somewhere along the way. If she freaks out and ends up having to put his life into someone else hands, she'll never be at rest with herself. But if she remains calm and carries on she could save his life.

Even though she had tears in her eyes she managed to pull through. Her hands were shaking violently and her mind was uneasy, but this was the father of her unborn children and the man she loves.

{time skip}

Dove was stitching up Taehyung's wounds when his heart rate plummeted. "Doctor he's going into cardiac arrest." a nurse panicked.

"fuck." she mumbled grabbing the defibrillator. She turned it on and waited till it was ready. "Clear."

She pushed the metal slabs against his chest causing an electrical shock to run through his body. "again...clear." she repeated this three times but he still had no heartbeat. Dove had to switch to CPR because to many of the shocks could stop his heart altogether.

Her crying was very discreet but she wasn't giving up on him. He made her so happy and treated her like she deserved. She never thought they'd see each other again, especially not like this.

Dove used all her strength to bring him back. All she could do was hope for the best. The guilt and fear in her heart was nothing she'd ever felt before...the only time she can recall the pain is when her parents died. It was the most heartbreaking thing.

The collapse of this life and death thing had been going on for ten minutes. Taehyung kept on falling into the arms of death but then his heart would suddenly burst into action again. There was never a certainty he would would make it, which tore Dove's heart even more.

"Doctor he's gone, you need to stop."

She ignored their words and continued to try and bring him back. "no he's not." she muttered giving on last pulp to his chest. The heart monitor suddenly went back to normal, he was back.

Dove took a huge sigh of relief and stared at Taehyung's face. Every part of her wanted to jump on him, hold him tightly and cry but she couldn't, so she left the room before bursting out into tears. She took off her apron and shoved it in the bin before walking towards the hospital entrance.

Her wrist was grabbed and she turned around to see Kai and Jungkook in tears. "Is he okay?" Jungkook sniffled. She smiled faintly and nodded before being suffocated in their embrace. "We thought we lost him." Kai sobbed, "you saved him Dovie...thank you so much."

Dove's voice got stuck in her throat and only soft whimpers could be heard. They understood it was hard for her to come to terms on what just happened, along with her being three months pregnant with his twins must be torture.

She gulped and wiped her eyes, "w-who f-found him, w-who did that to him."

"W-we don't know who did it but some guy called Topaz found him." Jungkook sighed rubbing her back. There was a gentle tapping on Kai's shoulder and he turned around to see the guy that found his friend.

"I-Is erm...everything okay?" The tall dark sinked make asked. Jungkook smiled softly and nodded, "I-Is that him?" Dove murmured. "Yeah."

He gave a gentle smile and Dove hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much." she sobbed. Topaz was taken aback but patted her head to comfort her. Kai frowned for a moment noticing the comparison in facial features. "D-Dove can we see him?" he asked.

"O-okay." she sniffed pulling away from Topaz. "thank you." she repeated herself before showing Jungkook and Kai Taehyung's room.

Topaz frowned to himself hearing her name. It was a coincidence he was looking for a Dove too, his father told him he had two younger sisters before he passed and that he didn't want him to meet them earlier because of his dangerous past.

Topaz sat down in the waiting room and waited for the police to question him. As he waited he watched as the paramedics rushed in with a pale asian woman who was covered in blood. She looked dead. His heart broke seeing the struggles he used to cause before he got out of his gang. They forced him to kill an innocent boy to show he's worthy or they'd attack his mother. He's been struggling with depression and ptsd ever since.

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