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Next Day.

Taehyung has just got back home, he was at the doctors with Jungkook about his depression. He also bought hair dye because he thought it would be nice to have some bonding time with his wife.

"Taetae!" Dove shrieked jumping into her husband's arms. "did you miss me?" he smiled.

"yeah, it's really quiet when you're the only one here." she giggled before giving him a kiss. "Do you know how to dye hair?" he asked.


"I kinda need help dyeing my hair."

"really! what colour?"


Dove gasped before staring at his head. "okey, come to the bathroom." she smiled jumping off of him and dragging him upstairs. She sat her husband down on the toilet seat and took the hair dye from his hand.

She grabbed a towel and some vaseline, she read the box and Taehyung smiled watching her concentrate. "I have to bleach your hair first." she mumbled opening the small box.

"oh look a bowl." she smiled placing the equipment in the sink. "do you know what to do Dove?" Taehyung asked anxiously.

"No, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it." she told him placing the vaseline around his ears forehead and neck so it won't dye his skin. She placed on the plastic gloves and began mixing the bleach.

While Dove was busy mixed her phone buzzed erratically. Taehyung looked at it on the side. They were notifications from Instagram.

Joshua_royal94 liked your post.

Joshua_royal94 liked your post.

Joshua_royal94 liked your post.

Joshua_royal94 sent you a message.

He frowned softly and eyed the phone. His curiosity grew greatly as more notifications came through. "Dove your phone." he muttered.

"Can you open it for me?" she asked. He nodded, "what's your password?"


he smiled and looked up at her, "what's that?" he asked. Dove lifted her head and gave him a warm smile. "the date my parents met."


"yeah, they would've been 50 this year...I haven't visited them in a while. I'm not mentally prepared yet." she sighed.

"I'm sorry." Taehyung gulped feeling the guilt rushing into his heart. He looked down at the phone and frowned.

Hey, I saw you at the bowling alley and you looked adorable, I wanted your number. But you looked pretty close with one guy. I found your instagram and I wanna get to know you more...so can I get your number?

Taehyung looked up at Dove and sighed. He doesn't want to intervene in her life anymore...he wants to let her live her life, without him in it. "D-Dove, someone sent you a message?"

"Really?" her eyebrows furrowed and she turned her head. She took off a glove and picked up her phone. Her facial expression dropped a little before her eyes trailed to Taehyung's face. He forced a smile and shook his head. "Don't think about me Dove...I'll have to let you go eventually. Try it out."

Dove sighed and sat on the edge of the bath tub. "but Taehyung-"

"but what Dovie...You're not mine to keep, I don't deserve you. I'm not yours and you're not mine." he chuckled trying to hide the fact his heart was breaking into millions of pieces. He really wanted to cry and hold her, but he's done too much of that already. He didn't want to change her mind process and make her feel bad for him.

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