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I sat on the bathroom floor feeling nothing but guilt and disappointment in myself. She's right. I was expecting her to understand, but I need to understand my actions cause pain.

I walked up to her bed and sat down looking at her. She was adorable when she slept. I giggled.  As I admired her face I realised that the death of Jimin was never her fault. She doesn't even know her brother exists. I felt guilty for treating her the way I have. To be honest I wasn't even sure if he was her brother, they just had the same surname and I assumed. Stupid right, I know...if she finds out she'll probably kill me.

A week later.

Taehyung has been different with me. He says hello and eats my food. But is still distant. But at least he's nicer.

I don't really want to talk to him at all right now. I have no interest in trying to be friends or make light of the situation because I'm really pissed. I haven't felt this much anger since my parents died. He's really pushed me to the edge and I've had enough of his shit. So I don't care if he decides to change, I hate him.

I was cutting up fruit for breakfast when I cut my finger. "Ow." I muttered. Taehyung looked at me and took my finger.

"You okay?" He asked. I simply nodded and took my hand out of his. I turned my back and went to the sink to wash off the blood.

"Dove I'm sor-"

"Leave it Taehyung...just leave me alone." I snapped. I heard him sigh and walk out of the kitchen. I'm still heated from last week, it's just, I think about all the things he's done to me...I have no soft spots in my heart for him anymore. I thought he'd change, but I wished.

I continue to cut the fruit and placed them into a bowl. I walked into the sitting room and see Taehyung sitting with his girlfriend. I instantly turned on my heel and went to my bedroom. She stayed over last night, I really think she hates me. I do too to be honest.

I sat on my bed with my fruit and got my laptop from the side table. I decided to look at some clothes to buy, I love clothes shopping. Online, offline I don't care I love it. One thing to bring my spirits up is shopping. Plus it's on Taehyung's debit card so all good.

*Taehyung's pov*

It's been hours and Dove hasn't come down from the stairs. She hasn't really spoken to me since the whole thing. I don't blame her...I can't blame her. I just don't want our relationship to be a toxic one, I hope we can move on...forget about it.

After Sunghee left I immediately went up stairs to see how Dove was. She's been on my mind and I can't help it. I knocked on her door but there was no response...so I pushed it open.

I saw her little body sitting up in bed, she had fallen asleep with the laptop open. I giggled softly and walked in. I took the laptop and saw she's been looking at clothes. I shut the laptop and placed it down by her side table, plugging in the charger. I took the bowl of fruit juices and the spoon made a clang against the empty bowl, she woke up.

"What are you doing?" She croaked. I flinched and gave an awkwardly unpleasant smile. She scrunched up her nose and looked at me. My smile dropped and I looked away from her.

"What do you want?" She asked in an unappealing tone.

"J-just came to check on you." I replied. She just scoffed and stared at me. I sighed and placed the bowl down.

"Why are you still mad at me?" I groaned quite frustrated. "I apologised didn't I."

She got off her bed and stood in front of me. "Apologised, that wasn't an apology it was a pity party." She folded her arms across her chest and glared at me. "You only feel sorry for yourself don't you. You're friend died...oh well, look what happened to me. Do you see me going around crying to people? No. Why can't you do the same?" She asked. I didn't have an answer for her, so I shrugged.

She laughed in disappointment and I groaned. "Why are you being like this? I'm trying my best."

"Again...all about you." She rolled her eyes.

"Okay I'm sorry...I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry I was a dick to you my whole life. I'm sorry I said those things about your parents, I'm sorry I used that against you. I'm sorry I-I I'm sorry I'm the reason you might not get to have children. I'm sorry okay. I'm really really sorry you were put in this position, I never want you to feel like you're nothing...I'm sorry I'm the reason for your mental illnesses. You tried to kill yourselves because of me, I really am sorry, you didn't deserve any of it...you don't deserve it, but I know that you try. You try to get through it but I always get in the way. So I'll leave you from now on...I'll try my best to make it up to you, but you deserve better than this. I'm sorry." I sighed and hung my head in shame. I was almost on the verge of tears. I really mean it, I meant every word.

It was quiet...she didn't respond to me. I heard her sniffling, my head slowly rose to see tears slowly falling from her emerald eyes. Her eyes were glossed over and they really looked like diamonds. Despite the situation I couldn't help but smile, she looks adorable.

"I-I'm sorry dove." I said stepping closer to her. My tears started to fall seeing her like that. "Go."

"B-but Dove-"

"Get out!" She pushed me towards the door and opened her bedroom door.

"Go." She said in tears. But I wasn't going to, I took her wrist and pulled her into a hug. She tried fighting me but I just held her tighter. She gave in and let me comfort her.

"I'm sorry." I said patting her head.

"I-I hate you." She whimpered, as her knees gave way. "I hate you so much."

"I know you do." I sighed. "But I don't hate you."

"S-Stop l-lying to me." She wept hitting my chest again. This time she hurt me, but I wasn't going to leave her. I don't want her doing anything stupid.

"I'm not..." I stroked her head and she calmed down. I swayed her side to side and she kept her head close to my chest. I could feel her little heart beat against my body.

She eventually feel asleep in my arms and I carried her over to the bed. I placed her gently onto the mattress and pulled the covers over her. Her cheeks were still wet from her meltdown.

I decided to stay in the room with her. In case she woke up and tried to hurt herself. I'd be there, even though she doesn't want me there.

I laid down on the floor and sighed. It was uncomfortable but oh well. She needs someone there for her. I want to help.

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