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I can't even begin to comprehend the horrors that occurred that day, but I know that what happened has permanently separated us. Joel still hasn't been arrested, for the three culprits have left town merely hours after - I don't want to say it. The police in Trighton have informed government officials, and everyday I live and breathe with the hope of them one day seeing justice.

The moment you told me about Joel, I should've been there Sonia. Maybe I could have prevented it. People tell me I couldn't have done anything, but if we had turned in that matchbox front he start then nothing would've happened to you. I dragged you into this mess. I have to confess something. I rejected Joel. He came to me, telling me about his feelings, and I told him I didn't like him that way.

Sebastian. Everyone has told me that I shouldn't have kept you back in, that that was why everything went so downhill. They aren't right, I'm so glad I dated you - but there's a deep regret that I dragged you into this. Some might argue that normal teenagers don't deal with this sort of thing, and they might be right, but there's still guilt. So much guilt in my heart.

You two had a joint funeral. The town thought that it would be better to address this issue in one big event instead of two, and although your parents' argued, the majority overpowered them. This was infuriating, but I am merely a child and they didn't respect my opinions. I'm really sorry about this.

I'm to blame for all this, and nothing no one says or does will ever change this. Sonia, you will forever be my best friend. Sebastian, I think what we had was love - and although we won't be able to pursue this, you will forever remain in my heart.

This letter will never find you, but maybe if you're watching over me you'll see it. My therapist said this may help deal, but I really doubt it. Please give me a sign, I feel so helpless sometimes.

My grandparents are still the same, Patricia stays away from me now - but I suspect it's because of Carson. Harvey is really sweet and he always tries to help me, and I've learnt to consider him a brother.

I suppose to finish this, I love you both. I love you both so d*mn much.

 I love you both so d*mn much

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The end.
Thank you all for going on this journey with me! This is my first book, and has been edited! I really hope it was enjoyable, and if you liked this, make sure to go check out my other books too!
Love you all so much! Thank you again!

Hailey Payton

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