19: Before The Storm

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I wake up to a sun pouring love and light upon our world - the sky equally matching in enthusiasm, sparkling like sapphires. I can't help but sigh as I look out my window and see dozens of people walking down the street, laughing as though they couldn't be happier. Well, perhaps not dozens - and they are most certainly not laughing for positive things, since people around here never are.

Sonia wakes up and stands beside me. "It's a beautiful day, may it bring us good luck for the trial."

"Good luck. I'm not sure whether I want him to see true justice or be pardoned."

She looks aghast. "How could you say such a thing? He deserves what awaits him at court! Don't dwell on this any longer, it's casting a misery over us early in the morning."

"I suppose you're right, but I don't know if I can get used to not seeing him every day."

Sonia sighs. "Stephanie, why would you want to see that foul man? He's been causing nothing but trouble for you, do you want him to continue hurting you in this way? I should think not."

"I guess I'm just unsure about the prospect of living with two complete strangers."

Sonia's eyes light up in realisation. "Oh my god! I completely forgot to ask you about your grandparents! What are their names? Have you seen any photos of them? Where do they live?" She pauses looking worried. "Is it far? Will you still attend school with me? You can't leave!"

"Woah there Sonia, calm down, I can't even remember half the questions you just asked!"

She laughs. "Neither can I!"

I laugh too. "Let me see now. Their names were, if I'm correct, Barbara and Winston Gravatt. From my father's side, obviously. They...what was the next question? Nevermind, I'll just tell you what I know. They live about a half an hour walk from here, so in between Hinston and Burches. Oh yes, and 20 minutes by car. In the country! Can you believe my luck? They own a farm! You know I've always wanted to live somewhere nice and storybook like, well I'm not quite certain of its appearance but it sounds like an ideal place for me to live. I don't know whether I will still attend school here - my grandparents' house is much closer to Hinston and I fear I may have to go to one of our rival schools."

Sonia looks miserable. "I don't know what I'll do if you aren't here with me! Gwen will likely kill me and when you come to visit you'll visit my grave."

I frown. "You mustn't speak like that, how dreadful! And I will try my best to persuade my grandparents to allow me to remain going to school here. Sure I live a little far away, but we'll simply have to make do, unfortunately."

Sonia suddenly looks confused. "Did Wilhelmina ever speak to you? I don't remember her being at the police station with us."

I'm startled. "Yes you're quite right. I never saw her again after the hospital room, perhaps she was uncomfortable with completing her questionnaire or investigation, whatever it was, at a police station. Nervousness could have been the issue."

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