08: An Unexpected Flame

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I wake up to the distinct odour of smoke and ashes, a nauseous feeling consuming me. I gasp and sit up, coughing as I inhale more of the fumes.

"Father!" I call out weakly, my coughing increasing.

It's only then that I notice that I'm sweating, and I wipe my brow with my sleeve. The heat is unmistakable as it blares fiercely in my face, and I feel as though my skin is melting.

Fire, is my first thought, and it takes over my senses as it continues to repeat in my head. I try to shut it out and concentrate but it's always there, screaming at the back of my mind.

I scramble out of bed as my survival instincts take over. Slamming the door open, I'm hit with a burst of heat and I reel back in shock. The smell of smoke intensifies and I have a coughing fit. I shield my nose and mouth to prevent further injuries to my lungs, which is what I hope is the correct thing to do.

My eyes start to water and I wipe them furiously, knowing that the last thing I need is to not see where I'm going. I hesitantly walk down the corridor, slowly, as though expecting the flames to engulf me at any second. As I run down the stairs, the smoke and stench become overwhelming, and I start to feel dizzy.

I reach the kitchen, and when I thrust the door open, flames lash out at me. The last thing I see is the fire swarming around me, and the world spinning rapidly.


I wake up to the consistent bleating of a heart monitor, and a stranger by my side.

"Hrkkk!" I sputter, breathing deeply.

"Ah! You're awake! Thank heavens!" The person says, their voice soundly manly, so I assume his gender to match.

As my eyes open slowly I see him wearing a white cloak, or more so a doctor's coat.

"Who are you?" I whisper, although I'm fairly certain I have a good idea.

"I'm Dr. Roberts. Now, no need to be worried. You were just caught in a small fire, but you'll recover with only slight injuries."

"Fire? How come?" I ask him, my voice coming out hoarse and raspy.

"Well," He suddenly looks extremely uncomfortable, which worries me. "We don't think that your father had anything to do with it. The police are still investigating, but we haven't been able to locate him. A young man who was walking past saw the fire and saved you, if he'd been a second later then this might've ended differently. In fact, he has been waiting outside for you all night. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he already knows you from somewhere."

I'm puzzled, who could possibly have been coming to see me at night?

"Could I please see him?"

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