01: An Empty Locker

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Stephanie and I stumble into the changing room, soaked through with sweat and panting as though we've just ran a marathon.

"Well, I guess I don't need to shower today," Stephanie laughs between deep breaths, collapsing onto a bench.

"Yeah, if you want to smell!" I giggle too, leaning against a wall. "Besides, you're only this sweaty because of the long sleeved shirts you insist on wearing. It's 30 degrees, for gods sake!"

The moment the words leave my lips, the space between her eyebrows crease ever so slightly, the Stephanie sign that something is wrong. Years of friendship just taught you these things, like how some people's nostrils flare when they're lying, or how they bite their nails when nervous.

"What's wrong?" I enquire, slipping into the space beside her. Looking at me miserably for a split second, she quickly covers it up with a soft smile.

"Nothing! What do you mean?" She titters whilst jumping to her feet and opening her cupboard to pull out her clothes. I tap her on the back to which she swivels around swiftly. She eyes my sceptical gaze.

"I really don't understand what you're talking about Sonia. I'm fine."

"Uh-huh. Nobody who's been fine has ever said 'I'm fine'," I reply, stepping beside her to open my own cubby.

"That's a ridiculous observation, what are we supposed to say then? I'm not fine?"

"Yeah, yeah. If you say so."

The moment my locker door opens I notice that there's something wrong. Very wrong.

Because it's empty.

My heart begins pounding and I take a deep breath, in-out. It's alright Sonia, it's okay, it doesn't matter, don't let it get to you, I tell myself.

My lower lip trembles as I keep staring at my empty locker, now so hollow and cold.

All of a sudden I can't stop it anymore, and I choke out a sob.


Sometimes I hate it when Sonia can tell how I'm feeling, not because it's a bad skill to have, but because there are some things I'd rather keep to myself. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I'm in awe of how accurate she is with her guesses, but we all need privacy at times.

My thoughts are interrupted as Sonia turns to me with a stunned expression on her face. I look back questioningly and peer past her into her locker, which has nothing in it. It pains me to see her face this way, because she always seems to look equally as surprised every time it happens.

Sonia is usually so strong. When we were young she was always the tough one. I'd get scared so easily, but Sonia would just take my hand and smile at me, and I'd feel a thousand times better.

I can still hear her sometimes, whenever I'm feeling alone.

"It's okay Stephanie. We're powerful. The two of us? We can do anything. Nothing is stronger than our friendship, and nothing ever will be."

Always so wise, she could be beautiful with words when she wanted to.

I'm snapped back to the present as a sniff echoes around the desolate locker room.

"Aww darling, come here," I say, pulling her into a hug. I can feel the familiar tears bleeding through my shirt.

"I thought - thought - it'd stopped," She sputters between sobs. Every wail, every tear, it builds this anger in me, until it reaches its boiling point and it goes beyond my control. I've stopped taking my anger management classes recently since they make me feel somehow stupid, I mean everyone else manages to control their temper, why can't I?

Drawing attention to it like that made everything much worse, I've lost track of how many times I've yelled at my teacher there, the poor lady. I had no reason not to go up to those jerks and slap some sense into them, but Sonia had begged, begged me not to do anything. I had remained calm merely for her.

"It's fine, I've got a spare," I whisper comfortingly. She pulls away lightly and looks me in the eye.

"Why have you got a spare clothes? You never have spare clothes."

I bite my lip. I can hardly tell her I had predicted this would happen and brought them for her. Suddenly, I remember what today is, and say, "I thought I might get a little sweaty after physical education today and brought the clothes for the school photos today. Don't worry though, I'll just take a shower. Take them, really, anything for my bestie."

She looks at me disbelievingly, letting me know she hasn't fallen for my lie, but takes the clothes.

"Thank you so much Steph," She whispers, wiping away the tears with her hands. "School photo day - of course they'd do it today, I can't believe I'd forgotten about that."

"Well at least we'll look awful together!" I giggle, fanning myself exaggeratedly, tongue out. She manages a small smile at this, and I grin back, then go to take a shower.

If only I could be there for her every time she was in trouble.

If only I could be there for her every time she was in trouble

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First chapter! What do you all think? It was more introductory part, to help get to know Sonia and Stephanie! Aren't they the sweetest?

If anyone tried to hurt my best friend, let's just say bad things would happen to them. Who's with me? Where's my overprotective fam?

See you all in the next chapter!

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