07: A Cruel Confrontation

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As soon as Sebastian and I enter the school grounds, I notice a huge crowd of people swarming around us.

"Goodness," Sebastian mutters, holding my hand tighter.

"Well, this is not what I expected," I comment.

"I suppose it is strange that we are together. To them, I mean. They would hardly expect a person to get back together with their ex. Especially since lots of people know why our relationship ended."

"Sebastian!" I whine. "How could you even admit that to people? Sup dudes, Stephanie and I broke up because I cheated on her. Or did you tell them the truth?"

Sebastian smiles wryly, "I hardly think we'd be in such a predicament if it had been so easy for me to tell people, don't you think?"

"Aww Sebby, I was just kidding."

He raises an eyebrow at me, "Sebby?"

But before I can reply, Noah pushes past everyone and physically drags us both to the secluded part of the pitch.

"Dude, what the actual hell?" He yells at Sebastian.

Sebastian remains cool and composed, "I don't think I understand what you're talking about."

"You don't understand what I'm talking about? Well the problem has two eyes, blond hair, and is standing right next to you."

"Noah, I respect you, but you have no right in meddling with my private affairs. I've realised my mistake and Stephanie has been generous enough to take me back. Is there really any more I need to say?"

"Hmm, yes. Yes there is. Why on earth did you go crawling back to her? Every single girl in school has a crush on you, and you resort to such lowly human beings. Gwendoline is so perfect and yet you despise her, for no reason! She's got so much to offer, and what does Stephanie have? A deranged father and an incomprehensibly ugly wardrobe?"

I see Sebastian positively trembling with rage, and I place a comforting hand on his shoulder. "He's not worth it, please calm down," I whisper so that only he can hear. His posture relaxes slightly, but only very slightly.

"Gwendoline is disgusting. She's incredibly cruel, malicious and vengeful. I would sooner date an elephant than date her, and why would I even bother with gossips like her when I already have perfection?" He asks Noah, while catching my eye and giving me a wink. "Seriously, leave us alone. If reputation is all you care about, then you're more conceited than I ever thought you were. Let's go Stephanie, if he still doesn't understand, then it's his loss."

I make the mistake of looking back as we walk away from Noah, and I see a fire burning in his eyes. I take deep breaths and try to calm myself, "You shouldn't have done that Sebastian. Noah's your best friend, I'm just me. Plus, he's going to despise me now." I can't help but add.

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