11: Sinister Texts

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The Night Of The Fire

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The Night Of The Fire


I head home after school because I don't really have any plans other then to have taken Stephanie out - but since she's declined, I'm on my own. As I'm leaving I notice Noah glaring at me, but drama isn't really something I need in my life. I smile at him and don't look back as I exit through the school gates.

I take out my keys as I approach my house. Many people would think that my parents are wealthy, since my house has four floors and the exterior looks as though it should belong in a magazine - but that's not the case. I mean, I wish they were as rich as everyone expected them to be, but in actuality we're an average family.

It's so cliche how everyone expects me to be perfect, my life flawless, a good boy all the time. They need to open their eyes and realise that whatever they're going through, I've probably went through too at some part of my life.

It's extremely pressurising, and sometimes I get lost in everyone's expectations, drowning as I try to climb out of the rocky waters. I know that I'm lucky to be liked and appreciated in this town, there are people who would kill to be in my shoes. Good god. I realise how stuck up and conceited I must seem to everyone, waltzing around like I'm the bees knees.

I'm not, really. In fact, the only reason that I have this 'reputation' behind my name is because I do sports. Our town is very little and so any remote hint of recognition does wonders. A few years ago our town and those nearby had a little bit of a competition. I was selected to enter, and traveled to another town about 30 minutes from ours. There, we played basketball, football and even did some sprinting.

It was honestly a team effort that caused us to emerge victorious, but since I was the one who scored the winning point - I became well-known in our little town. I did try to tell everyone that it wasn't all me, and that those who traveled with me should deserve attention too, but they refused to listen. I made many enemies during that time, and it was a very dark part in my life.

I open my door and am welcomed with a silent house, not even the tiniest of noises. It is honestly quite upsetting that everyday I come home to nothing. My parents both own a little shop in town, and that's how we make a living. They come home late - around 10 'o' clock - but it isn't strange anymore. Sometimes they're even gone in the mornings, leaving only a note behind, a sign that I wouldn't see them at all that day. Still, we managed to live decently off the shop profits, so I couldn't really complain.

I go to my room and settle on the bed, my ideal homework space. However, I can't help but get distracted, and eventually end up scrolling through my phone.

A text notification pops up from an unknown number, and I would've ignored it if not for what it said.

So, Stephanie didn't come with you?

Who are you? I text back, wondering who on earth this could be.

You don't need to know that.

Pretty sure it's an important detail.

Hah, cute. All you need to know is that you messed with the wrong people, and you will suffer.

My heart genuinely begins to pound, although I know that it could be a prank.

What are you talking about? I didn't 'mess' with anyone.

Didn't you? Stephanie certainly won't think so tonight.

Stay the hell away from Stephanie! I'm calling the cops.

Not the smartest decision Sebastian, I know where you live and believe me, you will regret acting so foolishly.

Whatever, blocking you. I reply blocking the number. Geez - a new level of low, I think to myself before putting my phone down and resuming my homework.

Around nine, I go to bed, my parents aren't home yet but I can't be bothered to wait for them tonight. I put my phone on silent so it doesn't disturb me during the night because I'm a very light sleeper. I close my eyes and eventually drift off...

I'm woken in the middle of the night because of an extremely loud ping from my phone. Didn't I turn on silent mode?, I ask myself before exhaustedly picking up the cause of my awakening. I check and yes, it is still on silent mode. Strange. My phone pings again, and I check to see that it's the same number as the other night.

You can't get rid of me that easily. Now Stephanie will pay, Sebastian.

Get ready for the funeral.

My eyes quickly scan the texts and I swear they actually get to me. What are these sick people's intentions? I scramble out of bed, put on some clothes, and hurtle down the stairs. I sprint through the town and many men eye me warily, but I simply scowl at the druggies as I run past.

When I finally get to Stephanie's house, what I see nearly kills me in the inside. Half the bottom floor of her house spews flames and I look around in disbelief. Is no one seeing this? Then I remember that Steph doesn't exactly live in a 'good' neighbourhood - the occupants must be at the bar during the nighttime.

I'm paralysed in fear, but the thought of Stephanie struggling in there motivates me and I run down the path to her house. Furiously, I kick down the door - but I can't hear it fall apart because the roaring of the flames are so loud. I see Stephanie positively throwing herself down the stairs and I try to call out to her. She doesn't hear me and opens the door to her kitchen, where the fire is the most heavy. I watch in pure horror as she immediately crumbles. I rush to catch her.

After I drag her out, I call an ambulance. I try to wake her up, but she isn't moving at all. The ambulance finally arrives and picks her up, putting her in a hospital bed. They don't let me accompany them, but I follow them to the hospital. I'm scared and fear the worst. My poor Stephanie - this is my fault.

 My poor Stephanie - this is my fault

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I'm trying to decide whether I blame Sebastian for not caring enough about the texts, or glad that he got to Stephanie in time. What do you all think?

Hmph. No matter what, he had something to do with the fire, and I will never forgive him for that. Thank god he's only a fictional character!

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