09: Forced Confessions

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"Stephanie? What is he talking about?" Sebastian asks me, the concern visible in his eyes.

"Umm..." I trail off. I'd never even thought that one day someone else would discover the bruises. I'd gotten so used to hiding them that it seemed unrealistic, somehow.

"Sebastian right?" Dr. Roberts asks.

Sebastian nods, quizzically.

"I think this is something that should be discussed privately," He says, gesturing at my hospital room.

Sebastian, still confused as to what is happening, takes my hand in his. I look back at Dr. Roberts, glaring at him furiously. He appears to be nonchalant as Sebastian leads me away.

I gulp and feel nauseous. Good god, I've never told anyone before. I never wanted to tell anyone. I feel myself start to panic. What if I lie? What if I tell him something else? Will Dr. Roberts tell him if he finds out that I didn't? What if Sebastian ends up hating me?

All these daunting thoughts run through my mind, and I feel dizzy and stumble.

"Steph!" Sebastian cries out as he supports my fall.

My breath quickens, and gets unnaturally loud. It come out in quick rasps, my head throbs, and I can barely keep myself upright.

The last thing I remember before fainting is the sound of Sebastian yelling.


I wake up to the face of Dr. Roberts looming over me once more.

"Argh!" I scream and slap him. The moment I do, I genuinely wonder whether it was on purpose or accidental, for I'm not his biggest fan at the moment.

Sebastian must've heard my yell, because he enters the room looking flustered. He sees Dr. Roberts caressing his cheek and glances over at me. I shrug.

"You! What the hell do you think you've done?!" Dr. Roberts shouts at me, to which another doctor comes in.

She grabs his arm and drags him out. Momentarily after, another doctor approaches my hospital bed. She looks less devious, so I relax.

"Darling, why did you slap Dr. Roberts?" She asks worriedly. "Did he do something to you?"

"I'm deeply sorry, his face so close to mine when I woke up, it was absolutely horrifying and I suppose it was just instinct. But I did find his outburst extremely inappropriate and will be filing a report."

"Wait a moment sweetie, what do you mean by, 'his face was so close to mine'?" The doctor asks, her face solemn now.

"Yes, that I would like to know too," Sebastian interrupts, his face the picture of anger.

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