Our game, our play

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"Any luck?"

Sybarin shook his head, "They're not responding."

"This was part of the plan, yes?" Aya asked with growing uncertainty.

"Not like this."

"If they did get caught, then we still track them with our Warframes, can't we?"

- - - - -

The goon shoved Praeton forward and held him in place as they were presented before the man in the suit. As he was dropped to his knees, he scanned the dark place, orienting himself. He almost couldn't believe his eyes.

This place isn't just some makeshift underground base. It's an entire city hidden underground. Praeton knew the limitations of Remnant's technology, so to think a city of such scale existing underground seemed absurd.

Turning his head to the left, his attention was caught by a cargo freight. Whatever it was, this is what they've been using to transport resources and troops, it's not only considerably lengthy, its size is also huge. As if it's meant to carry mass produced cargo.

'oh no...' Praeton cursed under his breath, when a rifle's butt hit him to look forward.

"We found them wandering the ruins." the Lieutenant said, giving him their communications devices, "And they had these on them."

Watts took the ear-pieces and inspected them with fascination, "How intriguing."

Praeton and Tayla exchanged troubled glances to each other. Sybarin and Aya would have at least tried to talk to them on their way there, so they should know something is wrong. They have to take their comms device back, but whether they should use Transference or stay the course held them on stalemate.

- - - - -

The goon barely had a moment to breathe before a yellow gauntlet fist hammers the back of his head and slams his face unconscious to the floor.

"Well done, Miss Xiao Long." Professor Oobleck complemented, walking up to the ledge and looking down at the abandoned underground city. "How could I have been so stupid? Of course this is where they would have hidden themselves, it's the perfect location. After all these years of teaching history to the students of Beacon, how could I have forgotten about this?"

"Don't be too hard on yourself, Professor." Ruby comforted, "At least now Sybairn and his friends found them for us, and we know how they were able to stay so well hidden."

"Yes, indeed..."

- - - - -

"Okay, I wasn't expecting this..." Sybarin sighed, spying on his 2 teammates from afar. Through his rifle's scope, it became clear that Praeton and Tayla's comms device were taken. Aya is just on her way to slip into that train, so he needs to create some sort of distraction.


As he contemplated on a whim plan, his mind hits nothing but dead ends. Frustration builds up on his mind as panic starts to accumulate and his breath hyperventilating.

"Stop." he whispers to himself and holds his breath, stopping every train of thought in his mind. Letting out a heavy exhale, he starts to pick himself up, backtracking what has been told to him, and readjusting his scope, calming himself down.

'My teammates don't know what to do, and people's lives are at stake...' he breaths again and starts reducing his scope view. Breathing calmly more times, he further reduces his scope to himself, 'I can't be my old or previous self... so I have to redo from the ground up...'

The Warframe On Remnantحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن