Danger Reached

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"What are we supposed to do now?" Tayla turned to a frustrated Yang, "Your source doesn't know anything about what we're looking for."

"Hang on, I'm thinking." Yang frowned and sighed.

Yang's Scroll, tucked in her pocket suddenly started beeping, signifying a call. Yang snatched out the device from her jacket and tapped the 'accept' button. As the line went live Blake's voice came through in a panicked tone, "Everyone, if you can hear me, we need-"

"HEEELLPPP!!!" Sun cried out from the distance, interrupting Blake.

"Where are you!?" Yang replied with urgency.

Sun called out again, appearing to have not heard her question, "He's got a robot, and it's big. Like really big."

Sybarin's voice came on, "He? He who?"

"No idea, I think it's the guy with the fancy suit!"

"Alright, where are you?!" Yang asked loudly.

"Do you hear that?" Tayla turned to the desolate city, feeling a slight tremor gradually growing stronger as the noise grew louder.

From the road behind them, a giant robot ran past causing the recurring quakes and metal noises. The three looked at each other for a moment. Sparing no time, Yang activated her bike and sped after it with Aya following shortly behind.

- - - - -

Ruby gasped at what she heard and started sprinting, "I am not going to miss this."

- - - - -

"How are we supposed to get there in time?" Weiss asks Sybarin.

Quickly transferring into his Warframe, he equips his Arcwing and offers his hand to Weiss.

Weiss looked at it for a moment before figuring out what he was planning. She sighed and let him put it around her, "Don't you dare drop me."

Tayla traded nods with Sybarin before transferring her Warframe to her as well, and took his other hand around her as well.

Sybarin lept to the air and took off, leaving a sky-blue ribbon trail behind him. Weiss held on to him tight, trying not to fall off.

- - - - -

Dashing from building to building, Ruby pursued the stomping noise that lead to the main highway. Realizing that if a fight with a giant robot broke out on a highway, a lot of people are going to get hurt. After a few more buildings, she sees the Atlestian Paladin

Sybarin flew after the metal giant as soon as it came to sight. Turning to Tayla, they both exchange nods as he neared the machine that tosses and crushed cars that were in front of it.

Yang sped after the the mech trying to figure out how to stop it while trying to dodge the landing cars.

Aya sped beside Yang and called out to her through all the noise, "We have to get it off this bridge!"

"Aya! Yang!" Sybarin descended near the two, still carrying Weiss and Tayla, "You two try to stagger it. Weiss will make it slip off the highway!"

Yang nodded and turned back to Neptune, "Neptune!?"

He nodded to her, "On it!"

Drawing out his weapon, it converted to a small rifle that shared a similar form of the Baza submachine gun. Aiming it at the berserk machine's back, the railgun charged and fired a beam of energy dust, hitting one of the missile barrages on its back.

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