Paved To Danger

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Ruby dashed back from the Atlestian Paladin and called out, "Checkmate!"

With no time to spare, Blake and Weiss dash for the Paladin and deliver several slashes at its hull in quick succession, but due to the machine's tempered hull, no damage was laid.

The Paladin swung an arm to back off the Huntresses and make room for himself. After a moment of recollection, he finds Sybarin standing there, frozen in place.

Sybarin stood still, frozen as terror filled his body. He could feel his grip growing weak as a vague yet familiar shadow flashed through his mind. That shadow, carried his embodiment of true terror. It haunted not only his nights, but his days as well. Millions of thoughts ran in his mind, and his presence was no longer in the battle before him, but lost in the labyrinth of his worst fears.

"Got you." the Paladin's pilot snarled and pulled a red trigger in the control handle.

A barrage of missiles launched from the machine's back and quickly charged for the Excalibur Warframe frozen with his rifle in hand.

Tayla looks over and sees him in the path of the missiles, "SYBARIN!"

- - - - -

5 hours earlier...

"WAAAAHH! I forgot how big the Transmit Tower looks up close!" Ruby exclaimed in excitement.

"You should see the one in Atlas." Weiss glanced back at her. Although she sounded proud and all, Sybarin could see she was sort of bitter and upset for not getting Neptune.

"Like the first one?" Tayla asked, tilting her head to Weiss.

Weiss nodded, "Correct." she smiled and added, "Atlas developed the Cross Continental Transmit System or mostly named the CCT to allow the four Kingdoms to communicate with each other." she appeared proud of herself.

Ruby snickered, "Ooh, look at me. I'm Weiss, I know everything." she started snickering more.

Weiss frowned and glared at Sybarin, "This, is YOUR fault."

Tayla was also snickering while Sybarin smirked.

Weiss grumbled and walked faster, "Come on! Hurry up."

Ruby suddenly reached out a hand and called out, "Oh, wait! I have to take a picture of this!" Reaching for her pocket, she takes out a scroll in an unfashionable way, losing grip of it and letting it bounce to a girl's boots.

Picking up the Scroll, the orange haired girl holds it up and smiles at them, "You dropped this."

"Penny?" Ruby asked wide eyed.

"Salu-tations, Ruby!" she smiled, still holding the scroll up.

Ruby jumped at her and squeezed the girl, "PENNY!"

Tayla looked at Sybarin in question, "Is she a friend of Ruby's?"

He nodded, "Yeah... we met her shortly before you came."

"Yes, but let me warn you, she's a rather... peculiar one." Weiss added.

"Oh guys, I'm gonna catch up with Penny." Ruby called out excitedly as she started walking away with Penny, "You guys go ahead!"

"Wait!" Weiss exclaimed, reaching out her hand, but was too late to stop her. Giving up from her situation, she looks down and grumbles, "You two better not stray off somewhere else. Today is really not working well for me."

- - - - -

"So... what exactly is it that makes Weiss so special?" Tayla asked her friend.

Sybarin paused for a moment to gather his words before replying, "She, is the daughter of the owner of the only producer and distributor of the most utilized resource on the planet, that is, Dust."

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