I can't kick your ass if you don't come any closer

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The entire ballroom has been filled with such an upbeat atmosphere, everyone started dancing as well soon after Jaune and his team pulled out their trump card.

Tayla had joined them to take part in the celebration. It was never something she thought she'd ever do, none of the four of them ever actually did. A feeling of excitement and thrill ran through her body as she and Aya followed the other students, this sensation of youth was... different and new, such thrill was never experienced in the youth of the Oroking Empire.

While everyone danced and partied, Praeton and Sybarin watched from behind, easing themselves.

"Do these 'parties' back in your time looked like this?" Praeton asked Sybarin.

"Mm... yeah," Sybarin nodded, "For school dances. But you wouldn't want to know how the teenagers do it at their homes."

"So how was the times back then?" Praeton asked, turning to him in interest.

"Basically," Sybarin paused and made himself comfortable, "It was war all over. Countries, people, society, business, talking... So many people were self entitled like the Grineer. They talk down on people like me and take personal offenses at incidental occurrences."

Praeton groaned in disgust, "That must have been difficult."

"It was." Sybarin nodded. The side of his eyes caught a distinguishable red exiting the ballroom, his head snaps to it on its own and catches sight of Ruby. Something was up, she looks like she saw something, something troubling. "Praeton..." he tapped his left arm, not taking his eyes off Ruby, "Time to go."

Praeton turned to Sybarin and follows him slip out of the ballroom. After exiting, he stops and asks Sybarin, "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I think Ruby saw something." he replied, carrying a sense of urgency. Over the student walkway, he notices something in the distance, "Look, her locker was called to that area."

"Should we follow her? Where's she headed?"

A brief pause came between the two before their attentions were drawn to the massive communications tower in front of them.

"We need to go now." Praeton said now carrying the same urgency as his friend's.

Speeding towards the tower, they Transfer their Warframes to them. As they both neared the tower, they find bodies of unconscious guards were scattered around the perimeter.

"We need to get a straight shot up there." Praeton says, looking up at the top of the tower.

"Alright, hang on." Sybarin grabs his back and shoots straight up with his Arcwing.

- - - - -

Ruby fires several Gravity Rounds at the infiltrator and watched as her opponent easily blocks all of them with a simple hand block. As the enigmatic woman swings her arms and forms glass blades with a burst of flames, Ruby pulls out her weapon from the ground, slightly staggering backwards and preparing to fight.

"Damn it, Ruby's going to get herself killed." Praeton snapped quietly at Sybarin as they hovered stealthily at the windows as the two remained at a standoff.

"Alright, you give Ruby an extra set of hands, I'll stay up here in case she gets away." Sybarin replies. Preparing to execute their plan, Sybarin counts, "Three, two, one... GO!"

As Ruby shot herself forward, Praeton also immediately crashed through the window and delivered a clean swing to the woman in black, taking her by surprise and allowing Ruby to deliver a clean slash as well.

Their opponent back off from the two of them in a quick and stylish manner. Backing off a good distance, she holds her left side of her abdomen where the Warframe hit her. His sudden entry was completely unexpected and unforeseen, if it hadn't been for her aura, she would have been cut open for sure, but now it's nearly depleted.

"Ironwood's on his way up there, Praeton." Sybarin called out from his comms, "Don't take your eyes off her."

The elevator doors whirred, drawing Ruby and the infiltrator's attention to it. Ruby turned her head to it and finds Ironwood.

As Ironwood steps into the floor, the infiltrator suddenly throws several glass shard and blades at the two of them. Praeton manages to deflect them, but is met with unexpected bursts of explosions. Puffs of smoke filled a good portion of the room and the woman made a quick dash for an exit.

The moment Ironwood spotted the figure dash away, his hand reached for his gun, but then she was already gone before he could draw it.

Sybarin watched the figure dash across the academy's breezway from the top of the tower's lower building. Bullet jumping right after her, he draws his Dual Heat Swords and performs a sweeping slash for her legs.

The infiltrator was attentive enough to hear Sybarin's bullet jump and the blades unsheathing. In a quick reflex, she flips upwards and nearly misses his swings. Recovering quickly, she parries Sybarin's attacks as quick as possible. The Warframe was keeping her on her toes, she held her breath and put her focus on blocking as much as possible. From what her subordinates told her, these foreigners were skilled, but they didn't tell her any of them were this fast, and this level of skill is something else entirely. She was stupid not to have at least expected something like this from an other worldly entity.

Sybarin delivered a mad frenzy of slashes and swings, his Heat Blades were growing hotter from the constant friction, beginning to easily cut his opponent's glass blades the moment they formed. He knew there was a physical limit this person had, but he has almost non existent limits when it comes to stamina. The style this woman's fighting has was too fancy and stylish, to the point where it's giving him plenty of opportunities to put her on her toes. His however, was more on the basic style, despite its primitive nature, it was practical and more beneficial in these encounters, if a noble spends so much time looking pretty while they swing their fist, a caveman will easily beat them with a hard and barbaric punch.

Praeton had already landed at the ground level and caught up with the two to help his team member.

Sybarin finally managed to put the infiltrator on chokehold, he pressured his swords unto her last set of blades and started pressing her down to the ground. As Praeton neared the two, the infiltrator let their blades slip, allowing the Heat Blades to cut her, and deplete her aura. Sybarin quickly recovered, but as Praeton and him delivered their blow, the infiltrator released a large blast of fire, knocking them both back.

When Sybarin and Praeton recovered, the infiltrator was gone, and a scorch mark was left on where she stood.

"Where did she go?" Praeton asked, snapping his head left and right.

Both Warframes scanned the area and searched in vain, frustrated that the infiltrator has manage to escape.

"Damn it." Sybarin cursed under his breath.

Ruby and Ironwood came rushing to the scene to their aid, only finding the two of them standing at a loss.

- - - - -

Cinder snuck back into her dorm and clutched her stomach from the side. Those 'Tenno' have been holding back on what they've been showing these past few months since she and her followers came here. So what they threw at her was completely unforeseen, and unexpected.

Taking off her top, she inspects the bruise and cuts Sybarin's blades made on her. They've slightly healed already, but they were really bad and deep. They hid their real skills and manage to take her by surprise. Fortunately on her end, she now has knowledge of how they can truly fight.

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