Yang and the K-Drive

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On a fine Thursday, Yang and Sybarin decided to hang out so that Yang could test out his K-Drive. Luckily for them both, Yang says she gets around often and knows the best place to test it out for a newbie Driver like her.

- - - - -

Yang brought her motorcycle, Bumblebee to a drifting stop as they arrived at the front of a massive plain grassland. She looked to Sybarin who was unsteadily getting off of the motorcycle. She laughs at him, "Hahaha, I suppose that you've never rode a bike before."

"Despite it being the top trending vehicle in the 21st century, no I haven't." Sybarin shook his head. It was in fact true, in 2015 a highly customizable motorcycle was released by a new company, and it took the world by storm, teens and adults were driving it here and there all in different styles and designs which drew the attention for most people, it was highly durable and efficient all at an affordable price. This boomed the motorcycle vehicles at his time, those who didn't have it either had more expensive vehicles or weren't interested enough to have it. He never liked motorcycles but he wanted to try that vehicle at the time.

"Well, anyways. Here we are." Yang said, spreading out her arms wide, "Isn't it perfect?"

"It's..." Sybarin hesitated, scanning the field, "...big."

"I know. That's why I picked this place. It's perfect to try out something really fast. You said it was really fast right."

Sybarin nodded, "About twice as fast as Bumblebee, if I estimated right."

Yang folded her arms smirking with one eyebrow lifted, "Really..."

"Only one way to find out." Sybarin said, summoning his K-Drive, "Ready when you are."

- - - - -

After a few minutes of explaining, Sybarin finally let Yang on the K-Drive after she accidentally boosted it forward and fell off. It didn't take long for Yang to actually understand what he was saying and got it all on her second go. He guessed when it comes to vehicles, Yang is really into it.

Sybarin posed his feet and legs nicely spread out, his right foot forward and straight front and his left foot back and positioned across, demonstrating to Yang how to stand on a K-Drive, "And lastly, lunge forward. It puts more weight on the front of the board enforcing it to go faster, the K-Drive will balance itself for you. Then just, ride."

Yang nodded and turned to the front. She took a deep breath before starting and leaned forward, moving the K-Drive forward in a casual hover."

"That's good." Sybarin said, jogging after her, "When you want to go faster, go into stance as if you're standing on something fast, and lean to which direction you want it to go to steer it."

After a crack of a smirk, Yang stomped her feet on the back of the K-Drive and launched forward at full speed. Immediately getting the hang of it, she launched herself up and held out her arms and yelled out in enjoyment, "Woo-HOO!"

Upon landing, she leaned to the side and started zig-zagging around the field, leaving golden ribbons of light behind her as she surfed through the plains.

Sybarin watched as she surfed around back and forth, here and there. He never actually interacted a lot with Yang, let alone actually made any development with her during their time knowing with each other. This might have actually been a good time to know her better

- - - - -

Later, Yang came back to him with her hair all over the place and her face filled with satisfaction, "Okay I'm done."

"Goodie!" Sybarin lightly cheered, "Now we can eat, I'm starving."

Yang and Sybarin leaned on her motorcycle and ate the sandwiches she brought with them. Both teens were silent with their food for a while, then Yang decided to ask, "Hey, Sybarin?"

Sybarin turned to her, "Yeah?"

"You know, I realized you always try to... how do I say this?" Yang paused and flicked her finger, "Stick out for us. Why?"

"What do you mean why?" Sybarin asked, confused, "You girls are a team. I just try to help you all get along."

"Yeah there's that." Yang counted, holding a finger up and putting up a second one, "But there was also that time with Phyrra and Jaune that they told us about, and uh... Penny."

Sybarin put his sandwich away and sighed, "Well, yeah, I mean... look at you all. You're all a family in a way, Jaune and Phyrra are friends in ways that Phyrra always wanted, Penny is a socially awkward girl who always wanted a friend, I had nearly nothing when I was in your position and I had to build my own friendship on my own against almost impossible conditions, but even I lost by someone else's one easy move." He sighed and sat on the grass, "When I see you guys, I envy you. At such an early age, you just earn the gift of friends so naturally while I didn't, and I who always wanted that, didn't want to see it thrown out over some small selfish quarrel."

Yang's expression changed to sympathy as she sat down beside him.

He continued, "Imagine what would've happened to the four of you if you hadn't solved it on your own. What will become of you? Ruby will be devastated, we all saw how she was when Blake ran off. I don't even belong to this era of existence, yet here I am, fiddling with affairs out of my time."

Sybarin looked down at his hands in distraught, " It shouldn't have been that way. I shouldn't even be alive, unless it was for a reason. But when I see the four of you, I feel hope to keep going despite remembering the pitiful and pathetic thing I use to be, and then I finally know, what I have to do, and I know in my heart... that it is right."

Yang nodded and put an arm on his shoulder, "That's really inspirational. Make your own speech sometime and motivate the students of Beacon to be something. I know you could do it."

Sybarin looked at her and nodded, giving a warm smile, "Thanks, Yang."

Yang looked up at the sky and stood up dusting herself, then she offered Sybarin a hand, "It's getting late, we should head back."

Author's Note:

Hot Damn. These three chapters have been on standby for two months now. I'm finally glad to get them out to you guys. This marks the end of Intermission, and the coming of Act 2's beginning.

If you want to know the new characters, backtrack on the earlier chapters on the other Warframes that have been mentioned. It's has always been planned that other Tenno will end up in Remnant after Sybarin, so it was not made at that moment.

Adult: vIDeO GAmeS caUsE vioLeNCe

Gamer: Actually, most video games are based or inspired from on real historical events and problems, mostly war or times where there were violence such as WWII, The Third Crusade, The American Revolution, the Black Plague and others such as Cyber Terrorism, gang crime, modern war, etc.

So technically... violence causes video games.

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