Following his Footsteps

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Mars, Hellas...

The sands of the red planet blew, flying through the heat as the sun shone through the empty skies, through more rock, dust, and corpses.

"Tenno, Skoom!" A Grineer Lancer yelled out as the Mag Warframe launched a grenade at the Lancer, blowing him to oblivion.

In a quick move, Tayla slid forward and slashed her Bo staff at the next group of Lancers that were making their way towards her, eliminating them with a powerful slash. Immediately she uses Pull, yanking a group of Heavy Gunners and a Butcher towards her, then she dashes to the side as they were hurled at her direction and let them fall down the cliff behind her.

Inspecting the battlefield once more, only a fairly small sized group of Lancers remained. Upon observing them, she notices that they were smart enough to retreat to their dropship and flee, leaving the place all to herself.

Tayla sighs and sits on a rock, reloading her Tonkor when her comms device suddenly beeped. Upon activating the holographic display, a video message from the Lotus played.

"Tayla," she said in a passive tone as she always has, "I call on you to meet me in my Tower, I have very important matters to discuss with you. Come alone and prepared."

The video ended.

Tayla picked up her grenade launcher and summoned her Liset to the cliff beside her.

- - - - -

Earth, The Plains of Eidolon...

Praeton fired an amplified beam of Void Energy at the towering Eidolon, depleting its shields and making it vulnerable once again, the other two Warframes accompanying him began firing at the Eidolon's weak spot and delivered a fatal shot, finally ending it. The towering giant let out a howling groan and exploded into glowing fragments.

Praeton watched as his other two teammates began collecting the pieces of the Sentient when his device beeped, he activated it and watched the video message the Lotus has sent to him.

The video played as the Lotus spoke, "Tenno, I need to discuss very important matters with you. My location has been sent to your Cephalon. Come alone and prepared." Then the message ended.

Praeton put the device away and turned to the other two, "Alright, come on you two." he called out and added, "The Lotus calls on me."

- - - - -

Deep Space, In an Orbiter...

Aya sat in her quarters, meditating in the silence, hovering several inches from her bed with her hand held out when her Cephalon suddenly came into display.

"Aya." he calmly said, mindfully being careful not to startle her, "The Lotus has sent you a message."

"Does it concern ghouls on the Plains of Eidolon?" she asked in a passive tone, looking at the Cephalon.

"Um... actually, no. It's the Lotus." the Cephalon replied, "She calls on you and says it's of very important matters. 'Come alone and prepared', she says. I have received her coordinates."

Aya gets out of her meditation and walks out of her quarters, sensing some sort of urgency and uncertainty of this message considering what has been told to her and the request the Lotus has sent to her.

"I leave the controls to you." she said, "Take us to the coordinates."

"As you wish." the Cephalon replied and disappeared. Soon the ship's engines activate and takes off.

- - - - -


Tayla was the first to arrive, she believed this was not just any ordinary Orokin Building considering how it didn't share the same structure mapping as she normally sees. Plus, upon her arrival, she was greeted by a number of little Sentinels, she found them adorable.

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