Sybarin's Forgotten Origin.

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Author's Note

Since a particular person here has nuked my notifications with nearly a hundred comments wishing Emily was alive. I have to make somethings clear, which I will explain. I'm not attacking him, but I have to explain the story that no one else knows.

If you have been reading, then you're familiar with most of the background already.

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Someone lied to Emily, telling her things that made her trust to Sybarin feel betrayed. She confronts him and abandons their friendship, at the time she didn't give Sybarin any room for explanations.

Emily was his only friend, so when she left him, he was all alone. Shortly after, there was an opportunity he manage to stumble on, that was the prototype Cryochambers for future space travel. He volunteered for that program after running away from home and was never found again as this program became highly confidential in the following months.

Sybarin was the VERY first candidate to do that and survive. Upon his second initiation, he asked the division to wipe his memory clean so that he could not carry the regrets of his past life after his next awakening.

After a few years, the base that he was stored became abandoned after a series of global disasters among people, and then he was completely forgotten.

Fast forward to pre-Orokin time, he was rediscovered, his pod still powered by the same reactor running for the past several centuries, and he was used to create better models. Sortly after, history repeats itself, and he was forgotten again.

Moving to Orokin times, he was found by the Orokin and awakened, with no memory, he tried to settle in in that time. Eventually he would end up in the Zamarian Ten-Zero where he obtains his Void Powers.

He has no memory, but that shadow of his past was still there. What once was his fear turned into anger, and the kind persona of his old self was overshadowed by his bitter she self after becoming a Warframe. Hence the mentions of his more unfriendly demeanor of the past before the book.

Emily has moved on and completely forgotten about him after a while. People joked about him for a bit after he disappeared, then they completely forgot about him as well. Emily never knew Sybarin's truth, and everyone walked away free.

She was never involved with Sybarin after leaving him, and she never went looking for him. She managed to get a decent life after graduating; good job, happy marriage, kids.., so she had no reason to look for him, also because no one ever brought up Sybarin again after he disappeared.

"If there is such a thing as the Will of God, then his will for us... is to be a weakling, cannon fodder, a plastic bottle on the road, a runt. He set our destiny to be insignificant and meaningless. That's why I spit in his face."

- Sora to Sybarin

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