A Show of Something Alien

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"Uh, guys..." Jaune spoke up, raising his hand, "what exactly is happening again?"

"Yeah," Nora agreed, "You guys just called us out here on a perfect day and won't even tell us."

"Please, let's not pry too much." Glynda said, and added, "Sybarin has already considered taking you as guests with him. So let's just let him be."

"I would agree with Ms. Goodwitch." Ren said.

"It's a surprise guys!" Ruby exclaimed, and added, "You'll see when we get there."

Teams RWBY and JNPR and the Tenno accompanied by Glynda Goodwitch waited in the landing bays in front of Beacon for the Bulkhead sent by Atlas to take them to Sybarin's ship.

Sybarin looked around and asked, "Where's Sun?"

Blake pointed a finger up and replied, "Oh, he got caught up with some business with Professor Ozpin."

"Is he in trouble?" Sybarin looked at her worriedly.

Blake shook her head, "No I don't think so. He sounded pretty excited when he told me. I'm guessing he's going to get an offer to be a student here."

Sybarin shrugged and nodded, "That would be nice. I'd love to go toe to toe with him sometime."

The Bulkhead arrived and blew a gale of wind at them as it landed, the bay door opened and an Atlas personnel stepped out and greeted the Tenno and the Huntress, "Good afternoon, General Ironwood has sent us to take you to the requested location as you asked Mr. Sybarin. Unfortunately, General Ironwood is busy doing business in Atlas and has left you in our care."

"That will be alright." Glynda said, "I will be looking after them for the meantime."

The guard nodded and stepped aside for them to enter the Bulkhead. The teams stepped into the Bulkhead and held on to a handle as the ship took off.

- - - - -

"Where are we going?" Nora asked, "We're headed pretty deep into Emerald Forest."

Sybarin tapped her in the shoulder and pointed at the distance, "Over there."

Everyone looked out through the window and sees the Atlas site set up around the enormous crashed Orbiter. Team JNPR looked in shock and awe at the size of the ship as the Bulkhead landed.

"WAAAAHH!!!" Nora excitedly squealed, "We get to see Sybarin's alien ship up close!" she turned to Ren and started shaking him yelling, "CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!"

"Nora! Calm down." Jaune exclaimed.

"Better yet, I'm taking you inside." Sybarin said.

Upon hearing that, Nora lost it. She raised her fists in the air and yelled out in the top of her voice, "AWWW, HELL YEAH!!! I WANNA GO NOW!!!"

"Wow, I've never seen Nora actually this exited." Yang giggled.

"Are we really though?" Blake asked Sybarin.

Sybarin looked at her in confusion, "Of course we're really going inside, it's not exactly badly damaged if you see it for yourself."

"Okay." Blake nodded, uncertainly.

The group made their way through the site and to the main office tent where Alian Mayfree was working.

"Sybarin!" Alian exclaimed, "You're here. Ironwood has told us about your arrival with some friends."

"Of course he would.." Sybarin said, shaking her hand and continued, "He wouldn't want to have left some uninformed personnel of upcoming events."

"Well, then getting straight to it. I'll take you there." Alian said happily.

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