Sybarin and Sybarin... get used to it.

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Are you confused? Because I sure as hell am not. This is an extra by the way. Mature elements are present. If you are under the age of 15 or 16, skip this chapter. I am not joking

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Sybarin stares at the organic cyber eye that Sybarin had on the right side of his face. Seeing himself with such replacement made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Are you going to keep staring that way at me?" Sybarin asked him, carrying an annoyed look on his face.

"Sorry, it just..." he sighs and leans his head on his hand, "What happened to you is so bad. A lot worse than my life experiences."

"Yeah, so you better not bitch around me."

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'So that's my real name.' he thought to himself as he followed his alternate version along the ruins of Akihabara, 'Sora Kakizaki Sybarin, and both of us have shitty ass parents. In this reality, I'm the same scrawny ass kid, but like what happens in Arifureta, I got tossed in a deep labyrinth. Except in this case I practically died and had myself resurrected to be a deity's 'Driver' which uses their powers and conscience. But the deity I carried erased herself from his head and left him with her powers, basically making me a demigod. People in here called me, Obsidian. Pretty scary if one figures out what the me in this universe can do.'

He followed himself down a subway station and continued contemplating, 'But the difference between us is he had someone named Maki, but mine was Emily, both ended up leaving us out of anger and betrayal. Fate's really got a bone to pick with us doesn't he?"

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"This is getting really confusing," Sybarin said to his alternate counterpart, "How about we call each other by different parts of our name?"

Sybarin agreed, "I agree, I'm Sora, and you're Sybarin. Easy."

"Now we need a third for Kakizaki..."


"Hey, speaking of differences, you and I are the same person from different realities. So for starters, who's Maki?"

"She's a childhood friend of mine. And also my wife."

"Eh?" Sybarin had a look of shock and confusion, "But you're still like... 17."

"21 actually."

"But we look the same age."

"You're over 600 trillion years old..." Sora argued.

Sybarin's face went blank at suddenly realizing that fact, "oh... that's right."

"What about you? Who's Emily? I take she's American."

"Half- American." he corrected, "I never had the chance to reconcile with her."

Sora was silent and handed him another serve of his honey-lemon tea, "I'm sorry."

"So what do you do in your free time?" Sybarin asked him, taking a satisfied sip from the cup given to him.

"Read manga, write stories."

"Hey!" Sybarin exclaimed, "I used to write books too at high school! What's your favorite manga?"

"It's... not something I want to talk about."

"Come ON! Tell me!"

Sora was silent for a while before replying embarrassingly, "D- Domestic na Kanjo..."

Sybarin gave him a disgusted look as if he was looking at the scum of the earth, "DISGUSTING." 

"OH YEAH, WELL WHAT ABOUT YOU!" Sora shot at him, "I'm pretty sure you fap your balls out to your 8TB of Hentai collection every night before you went all out Hardcore Virgin Boomer Mode."

"Say that again!" Sybarin snapped at himself, feeling his blood vessels ready to blow up.



"What's your favorite manga?"

"It's... not something I want to talk about."

"Come ON! Tell me!"

Sora was silent for a while before replying embarrassingly, "E- Emergence..."

Sybarin face stretched from terror, "STOP!"

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