Shall we Dance?

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The night of the Dance...

Most of the students have already arrived and begun interacting with each other, some were reuniting with old friends, some were making new ones, some have already started dancing, and some... some just couldn't get around.

Yang stood in front of a small podium to greet the entering guests. Her apparel for the event is a tank top white dress which contradicted what she told Aya earlier.

Ruby had a more elegant look to her. Her dress had a red and black pallet, from the shoulder line and up was a transparent cloth net attached to a choker. Unfamiliar with Weiss' clothing style, her legs still shake over the struggle to keep herself standing with the heels Weiss picked for her.

Sybarin spots her standing aside at the group of chairs and makes his way towards her, "You're legs are trembling."

Ruby chuckled awkwardly and looked down at her feet, "Yeah... I have no idea how Weiss could fight in these. These types of events are not my type." she takes a deep sigh and asks him, "So why are you here too? Don't you... have... a date?"

Sybarin sighed and replied, "Well... not yet. I'm not particularly fond of these events either. The last one I went to was when I was your age. It didn't go well. Those bad times tend to cling itself onto you."

"Tell me about it..."

As Sybarin grabbed a drink and accompanied her, another person joins them.

"Not enjoying yourselves?" Ozpin asked, taking a spot beside the two.

Ruby turned to him and exclaimed, "Oh, no! It's just, I'm not the pansy dansy type... 'that' type of girl. You know..."

Ozpin nodded and turned to Sybarin, "Well what about you? I see you're still following your standard 'black and blue' pallet."

"Well... I'm not a person of... luxury and... style." Sybarin nervously replied.

"Well, you can't spend your entire life on the battlefield." Ozpin says, and adds, "Even if you want to." a moment of silence resided between the threeo before Ozpin speaks again, "If you look at it in a way, fighting and dancing aren't so different. Two partners, interlocked. Heh, except one wrong footing in the ballroom ends with a swollen foot."

Sybarin couldn't disagree with the Headmaster. Usually, people who have long term experience with combat would indeed see it as dance. Many other Warframes do have that perception if not all of them.

"You know it's not everyday you see friends come together like this." Ozpin said carrying some emotion in it, turning to the other students interacting with each other, "Time has a way of testing our bonds. It's times like these that help keep them stronger than ever."

Those words sparked old memories of his birthdays back then, it's always his mom and Emily. Most times, only those two would be the only ones to give out a genuine greeting, as if it's not just another chore that happens every year. It bugs him how much he keeps remembering his past, all of them have already been long dead. Yet the wounds they inflicted on him would never heal.

"Nights like these are never to forget... So why not make the most of it?"

- - - - -

Half an hour later, Tayla and Aya came in with Weiss and Blake. Sybarin was speechless with their dresses, hands down to Weiss for that. Compared to Ruby, the two actually seem to hold themselves pretty well. No surprise for the one that uses a Warframe with high heels...

Praeton approaches the trio and holds his hand out to Aya, like Yang taught him the night before, "May I?"

Aya really seemed to be into the event, acting like a woman of luxury, she takes his hand elegantly and lets him take her to the dance floor. Sybarin could only watch hopelessly.

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