Chapter 57 - Castle of If: Part 1

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Angie's POV:

Me and German were kissing for long minutes now when we broke apart and just smiled at each other. I just couldn't believe that he's actually here... Because of me... And he just said he loves me! I thought he loves Priscilla, but he really does love me!

- Such a nice couple we have here... - we suddenly heard Edmond's voice from behind us as he came behind the stage with the others as well - In the end you didn't mess it up - he said as he looked at German.

- So it really was your plan at the first place! - I snapped.

- Yes - he smiled - I knew you love him... And I also knew he loves you. It wasn't so hard to get him here siiiince... I had a record about Priscilla and Debray...

- What the...?!

- I knew you won't tell him about it... So I did it... Well, Baptistin did it, to be exact... But it was my plan to get him here and you both sing together.... And I'm glad I succeeded because seeing you this happy just melts my heart...

I could see Valentine and Morrel just looked at each other in surprise then just smiled while Haydeé was smiling too.

- Thank you so much! - said suddenly German.

- For what exactly? - Edmond asked innocently - I haven't done anything. It was all you.

- But without you I probably wouldn't get on my way here... I'd still be a coward and stay home...

- Well... It's nothing special to do for someone who made me happy for a long time - he said as he looked at me.

- But there is something I wanted to know about you... - German continued.

- What is it?

- Who are you exactly?

- German, don't... - I groaned.

- No, it's okay - Edmond smiled - I've been planning to go to If anyway... So you can come with me to look around, if you want...

I couldn't help, but sigh deeply as he mentioned If. I remember what he told me about that castle prison before... Just as he talked about it made me shiver...

----- TIME SKIP -----

The next day we headed to the castle of If by boat and it already look scary. I hugged onto German who just smiled and hugged me back.

- Time for a little story time - Edmond sighed then he began - 20 years now that I left this hell of the castle... The hell where Fernand, Danglars and Villefort took me... Where I swore revenge on these three...

German looked shocked as Edmond said that. I was shocked too when I first heard about that...

- And Mercedes... She totally forgot about me... - Edmond continued painfully and soon we arrived to the castle which was open as a museum now.

We went in and Edmond asked to be taked to one exact cell... Probably his cell if I need to guess.

- I wasn't guilty - he continued - Not at all... They made me look like a criminal when they were one the whole time!

The last part he almost shouted that even our tour guide looked behind him to see what's happening.

- Calm down... - I whispered to Edmond who just looked at me and smiled a bit.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Edmond continued telling his whole story to German when we arrived to the cell which was cell 34. (A/N: I'm not writing the whole story thing down because I'm lazy and it could be boring too. If you're interested read the real book :P).

It was pinch black there that we needed flashlights to see what's around us.

- Can you leave is for some minutes? - Edmond asked the guide.

- Sure - he nodded, a but hesitantly then left.

- Jesus Christ... - German sighed - This place in tiny!

- I know - Edmond nodded with a painful smile on his face as he thought back about times he spent there - And dark too when you have no light here at all.... But I still spent 14 years here... But thanks to my friend Faria abbe... I didn't go crazy after all...

- I was curious since you saved Antonio's life... That who Faria really is - said German curiously.

I swear... He's sometimes like a kid when he's curious... And it's really cute.

- I'll always remember Faria as my step-father and a great friend - Edmond replied and I could see even in this dark that he was tearing up - We planned to leave this hell hole together... But he died before he could even get out... But he taught me so many things... And I'm thankful for my money to him as well...

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