Chapter 48 - Algo se enciende

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Angie's POV:

- Because Albert is my son! - said Edmond as he turned away from me.

- Your what?! Did Mercedes tell you this?!

- Yes.

- And you really believe her?! Don't you think it's a bit absurd??

- What do you mean? - he asked as he turned to face me again.

- Don't you think she only said this to save his life and instead you let yourself get killed?! - I cried - Maybe she was your lover, but she's no longer the same person! You told me this and now you're the one forgetting this!

Edmond looked at me blankly for a seconds before he turned back to his desk...

- Whatever is the truth... This will stay here - he said firmly as he put the testament on the desk.

- You don't love me, do you? - I asked, trying to hold my tears back.

- Why do you say that?

- Because you do what Mercedes asks from you right away while you simply just ignore what I asked you... You obviously have no use for me anymore...

- Don't say that!

- It is true!

- Angie...

- No... Just don't... - I stuttered, wiping away my tears - You better get going... - I said then I was about to walk out, but before that I turned back to him - Even if you don't care about me anymore... Then think about Haydeé and how much she loves you..

Edmond froze.

- She loves you more than she loved her own father when he was alive... You're her hero and if you just let the Morcerf kid kill you she won't forgive you ever...

And with that I just walked away, straight to the Studio. I didn't know what else to do.

----- TIME SKIP -----

At the Studio I just couldn't focus on anything so I was just sitting in the teacher's room when I heard piano music from the music room.

I walked out and I saw German playing on it and he was playing my song... That I wrote... About him... I wonder if he realized this since I left and stuff happened...

When he finished playing I started clapping which surprised him pretty much. He haven't seen me because he had his back me.

- Ah, Angie... - he smiled awkwardly - How long have you been here?

- Long enough to listen the whole song... And it was really beautiful...

- Of course it is beautiful... Since you wrote it - he said as he smiled warmly at me and it just melt my heart - I was always wondering who did you write this about...

- German... - I sighed as I walked closer, but before I could say anything more he decided to play the song again and this time he started singing too.

Si te sientes perdido en ningún lado

Viajando tu mundo del pasado

Si dices mi nombre, yo te iré a buscar

And I joined:

Si crees que todo está olvidado

Que tu cielo azul está nublado

Si dices mi nombre, te voy a encontrar

Es tan fuerte lo que creo y siento

Que ya nada detendrá este momento

We looked into each other's eyes as we continued singing together:

El pasado es un recuerdo

Y los sueños crecen, siempre crecerán

Ya verás que algo se enciende de nuevo

Tiene sentido intentar cuando estamos juntos

Algo se enciende de nuevo

Tiene sentido intentar cuando estamos juntos

Cuando estamos juntos podemos soñar

German's POV:

We sang together while looked deeply into each other's eyes and just then I realized how blind I was till now.

- This song... Is about me, isn't it?

She blushed slightly.

- Yeah... It was always about you... But you were too blind to notice that...

- ... Till now... - I said and now I really wanted to kiss her.

I leaned closer to kiss her, but then something told me to not to. She was still Edmond's after all... This sadness she feels will disappear soon and I don't want her to regret something again because of me.

----- MEANWHILE -----

Edmond's POV:

After I finished with my business which didn't go the way I thought it will I went to the Studio to search for Angie and soon I noticed her in the music room with German and he was almost kissing her.

At the same time his ex, Jade was there also and she wasn't impressed either and she was about to go and interrupt, but I stopped her:

- What are you doing?! - she snapped at me - She's your girlfriend after all!!

- They won't kiss... Just watch - I replied and just as I said that German stepped away from Angie and soon he walked out and I decided to catch him - Can I talk to you for a minute?!

- Yeah... - he mumbled while Jade walked away.

- Do you really enjoy hurting Angie even now?!

- What do you mean?

- I saw what I saw! I know she still has feelings for you, maybe even more deeper than for me and you just keep hurting her! So confess your true feelings for her, or leave her alone because I have plans with her!

I got so pissed off. I know I treated Angie bad not so long ago, but I want her happy and I know she won't be truly happy by my side... But if German is so stupid like this what the hell am I supposed to do?!

Meanwhile German froze as I said what I said, but before he could say anything Angie came out of the music room and ran up to me, crying.

- Edmond, you're back alive! - she cried as she hugged me and I just let German go for now, but I wasn't finished just yet.

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