Chapter 17 - Plans

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A few days later it was time for Edmond to leave and so was the time for Priscilla to leave. They decided to go with Edmond's private jet.

We were saying goodbyes to each other now...

- Take care... - I said as I hugged him tightly.

- I will, Angie... You too - he replied - And don't forget that I love you...

- I love you too - I smiled.

I could see from the corner of my eyes that the same scene went on between German and Priscilla. They were also hugging and kissing which made me kinda jealous, but as soon as Edmond pulled me to him and kissed my also I didn't felt jealousy anymore.

And a few minutes later they flew away and me and German were left alone.

We were just standing there for some time then we both sighed deeply.

- Let's go back... - mumbled German then turned to me - Would like to have lunch with me? I'm hungry to be honest!

- Okay, let's go! - I smiled then we headed back together to a restaurant where we had a great lunch and chat meanwhile.

German's POV:

Priscilla and the count both left Buenos Aires for more than a moth. This is the perfect chance for me to tell Angie how I really feel about her... Because since she came back and she told me about what happened in France I can tell my feelings from the old times are coming back and I'm dying when I see her kissing any other guys like the count now.

I tried to get closer, but sometimes Priscilla, other times the count himself were in my way and I gave up on her... But now that none of them are here I have my chance.

- And what are you gonna do? - questioned Ramallo that evening when Priscilla left.

- I don't know yet - I replied - But all I know is that I need to do something.

- I'm not telling you anymore that I told you, but I told you...

- Told me what, Ramallo?

- I told you that you need Angie! But you never believed me!

- I...

I was about to say something against it, but then I realized: he's right. He always told me that I need to confess, or I need to do something, but I never truly did.

----- TIME SKIP -----

I decided to see Angie on the afternoon in the Studio and when I walked in Vilu greeted me.

- Hey dad! Are you looking for someone? - she asked.

- Uhm... Actually yes... I'm looking for Angie...

- She's in the music room now... - Vilu winked at me then left to go to Leon.

I didn't even get bothered by that anymore. I know Leon is good to her and if she's happy then I'm happy too.

But anyway... I headed to the music room and Angie was indeed there.

- Oh! - she gasped - Hey!

- Hey... - I replied.

- What's up?

- Nothing really... I just missed you... That's all.

She blushed instantly as I said that.

- How about we go for a walk? - I asked and she nodded.

- Okay - she smiled then we went out to the park.

Germangie meets The Count of Monte CristoWhere stories live. Discover now