Chapter 53 - Conversation

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German's POV:

I got ready to leave and see Angie again as soon as possible, not even listening to Priscilla who was trying to stop me from going.

- German! I love you and we're gonna get ma-----

- No, we're not gonna get married! - I cut her off - You cheated on me and who know how many times you were with that asshole while you were with me!

- Don't even try to tell me that you didn't cheat on me with Angie while we were together!!

She wa right. I did cheat on her as well...

- We can work it out, my love - she said while she was trying to hug me, but I gently pushed her away.

- Maybe we both cheated... But this just made me realize that... I don't love you the way you'd deserve... - I said as I kissed her hand - You deserve someone better than me...

Priscilla at this moment slapped me on the face and stormed out. Then Ramallo came in.

- Finally you're doing what you have to do - he said.

- I just hope I won't be late... - I sighed as I finished packing.

- Should I take you to the airport?

- No need to that - replied the servant who just came in to the room - I'll take Mr. Castillo to the count's jet which will take us to Paris.

- I just remembered something... - I suddenly interrupted - Angie said they're going to Marseille...

- They did... But by now they already should be in Paris.

- I see... - I sighed - Alright... I'm ready to go.

- Alright - the servant said with a huge grin across his face and soon we hopped into the car and headed to the airport, but first we stopped at the Villefort house.

- Why are we here? - I asked, confused.

Just then another guy hopped into the car, looking like a priest.

- Ah, good day! - he said.

- Yeah... Same...

He took off his hand and glasess and I recognized Edmond.

- What?! - I gasped - Aren't you supposed to be in Paris now??

- I am. But I had to come here for a little bit.

- Angie is here too??

- No, she's in Paris now.

- Oh...

- I wanted to talk to you first about her and about how you treat her...

- I know I've been awful, but I...

- Let me talk first - Edmond cut me off coldly - I know everything about you and her. That how your relationship started till now and I know she still loves you... More than me.

I sighed.

- Even if you still just hurt her... She loves you... I know she does... And I want to see her happy... Truly happy... And I know she can only be happy by your side...

- I don't think this is true...

- Yet you still came - he smiled.

- Because I want to show her that I need her... I need her because without her my life is empty... - I sighed again.

- Then you're coming with me - Edmond said with a grin - I know how to truly surprise her which can make her melt at the same time.

- Okay... - I said hesitantly.

- Our next stop will be my other house in Paris. You'll be staying there and I'll send for you when it's time. And do not mess this up this time!

- I can't promise that...

- We'll see - Edmond smiled and then we headed to his jet and soon we have been in Paris.

Germangie meets The Count of Monte CristoWhere stories live. Discover now