Chapter 11 - Edmond's birthday

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We haven't seen each other with Edmond for 3 days now. He was working on his own plans and I was busy with catching up with Vilu and the Studio, but every night we always met to say goodnight to each other.

One day German found me when I was in the teacher's room at the Studio.

- Angie, can we talk? - he asked.

- Talk about what? - I groaned.

- About us... Because I don't want to be like this forever...

- You made it this worse! With all your lies...

- I didn't mean to hurt you!

- You still did!

Suddenly Bertuccio appeared at the door...

- Miss Angeles... - he said.

- What is it, Bertuccio?

He came closer to us then whispered into my ear...

- The count's birthday will be on next week...

- Oh, thank you! - I said happily.

He just nodded then left.

 - I'm sorry, German... But I have to go - I said as I quickly walked away before he could stop me and went to see Pablo.

Soon I found him in the music room...

- Pablo! - I cheered happily and he smiled when he saw me.

- Angie...

- Can I ask your help in something?

- Yeah, sure.

- Well, Edmond's birthday will be on next week and I was wondering if you and the kids would help me sing something...

- I knew this is what you're gonna ask for - Pablo grinned - And actually me and Antonio was thinking about something that we can say thanks with to him for his huge help...

- Great! Then let's plan something together! - I said happily and hugged him - And thank you!

----- TIME SKIP -----

A week passed and it was time for the surprise. Everything was in place already and now I had to bring him and some others to the Studio.First I went to get Vilu, but when I arrived I bumped into Priscilla.

- Why are you coming here so often, Angie? Do you want something from German? - she questioned me, sounding jealous.

- What...? No! Uhm... actually I came to get Vilu for the show that starts soon... - I replied, a bit hesitantly.

- A show?- Well... actually a birthday surprise...

- Can we come too with German? - she asked.

- Where? Where? - we heard German's voice from the kitchen and when he came out and saw me he was quite surprised.

- To the Studio, my love - Priscilla replied - They are planning a birthday surprise to...

- To the count - I said - If you want you can come to see us too...

- Okay, sounds good - said German, but his eyes said differently. His eyes said "I don't want to see you with him anymore".

----- TIME SKIP -----

I went home after I got everyone at the Studio to see what is Edmond doing now and he was at the library.

- Hello, Angie - he said with a smile - I thought you'll be in the Studio all day...

- I was... But I need you to come now!

- Huh? Why?

- Just come! - I said as I pulled him up from his seat and we headed to the Studio.

When we arrived I pulled him right to the other room where the stage is.

- You stay here! - I said and before hearing his answer I went behind the stage and when everyone was together I ran out first and seeing Edmond's confused face made my day... but it wasn't all yet. Morcerf and some others were there too - I know you're confused about why did I call you here...

- I am actually - he smiled, still confused.

- Well then let me explain... - I replied - You saved the Studio and all of us... The kids and everyone want to say thank you for that... And your birthday is also here... So this song is for you...

I could see his face lit up in confurion first then in shock while I began to sing....

Si te sientes perdido en ningún lado

Viajando tu mundo del pasado

Si dices mi nombre, yo te iré a buscar

Then everyone slowly joined in...

Si crees que todo está olvidado

Que tu cielo azul está nublado

Si dices mi nombre, te voy a encontrar

Es tan fuerte lo que creo y siento

Que ya nada detendrá este momento

El pasado es un recuerdo

Y los sueños crecen, siempre crecerán

Ya verás que algo se enciende de nuevo

Tiene sentido intentar cuando estamos juntos

Algo se enciende de nuevo

Tiene sentido intentar cuando estamos juntos

Cuando estamos juntos podemos soñar

Edmond was now fightning with his tears. I know he doesn't like showing his true feelings in front of others, but I was happy to see him this touched so I decidd to jump off the stage and go talk to him.

- Angie... You really did this for me? - he asked, still quite shocked, but in the good way.

- Yes, I did... Because you deserve it - I replied, smiling while holding his hands - You saved the Studio... and you saved me too... And I love you...

He just took a deep breath then pulled me closer and kissed me softly.

- I love you too... - he replied - And thank you... You made my day... and my life...

- I'm glad I did - I giggled.

- You're the best thing that so far happened to me in my life, Angie... - he said while kept kissing me.

Meanwhile the others finished then song and came around us as well for a group hug.

Si sientes que nadie te espera

Que no encontrarás la manera

Si dices mi nombre, yo te iré a buscar

Si crees que solo un recuerdo

Y que tu interior esta desierto

Si dices mi nombre, te voy a encontrar

Es tan fuerte lo que creo y siento

Que ya nada detendrá este momento

El pasado es un recuerdo

Y los sueños crecen, siempre crecerán

Ya verás que algo se enciende de nuevo

Tiene sentido intentar cuando estamos juntos

Algo se enciende de nuevo

Tiene sentido intentar cuando estamos juntos

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